Hello, I recently got a slight steering wheel vibration after getting a tire rotation from America's tire. I also notice a slight noise coming from the front passenger side wheel, like something is bent or something. My tires are new that I purchased 4 months ago, only has 9k miles on it, and they were all re-balanced prior to rotating. Could it be the wheel bearing? Maybe they accidentally damaged it by overtightening my front passenger wheels? I'm pretty sure its not my tires. What are common sources of steering wheel vibrations on our prius? Any thoughts? Thanks!
Right off the bat, I would suggest that a front wheel is not properly balanced. Many times this will be apparent at around (but not limited to) 50-60mph, especially on deceleration.
Wheel bearings won't make your steering wheel vibrate, you would hear a noise with the wheel bearings when you turn only. As for your steering wheel vibration, I would recommend getting the tires balance since it started when you had the tires rotated.
Just got all my tires rebalanced and it's still there. My brakes havent been too smooth either, could bent rotors cause it to vibrate? Even WITHOUT braking?
No, in order for it to be the brake rotors or pads, you must apply the brake pedal, for it to feel vibration in your steering wheel. Did you run over a pot hole or damage your wheels by any chance?
Warped rotors (many times due to over torquing lug nuts) will be noticed as a pulsing feeling in the brake pedal (when braking).
Rotate them back to help identify where the problem is. Sometime uneven wear (for what ever reason) or a less the perfect tire can cause this.
Just balanced and rotated it, not the wheels or tires, tires are new. Maybe a faulty alignment is causing this? I can hear it coming from front passenger side, something has to be bent around there. Hope nothing major..
you still didn't answer my question on if you hit any pot holes or damage your wheel. Alignment issue will cause drifting only, no steering wheel vibration, unless you damage a suspension or alignment part from underneath.
I am not sure, I dont remember hitting any deep potholes, but I do commute from Vacaville to San Jose and back like 2-3 times a week, through I-680. There are some potholes here and there but I do not think they're that bad. I'm 100% sure they're not the wheels or tires as I just had it re-balanced and rotated twice and tires are new. I saw it myself on the balancing machine and no wobbling or uneven spin, straight as an arrow. I'll get a wheel alignment tomorrow since I need it anyway and have them inspect it while they're at it.
"I recently got a slight steering wheel vibration after getting a tire rotation from America's tire." Sorry, my response was based on your above quoted statement of yours.
I am curious if you ever figured this out? I am dealing with a similar issue and so far suspect the steering linkage ....
Not really. I'm just driving it as is now and just ignoring it. Although my steering wheel vibration isn't really that noticeable, I know it is there because I feel that very tiny vibration and its different than it was before when it was newer.