I recently installed Weathertech's front window deflectors for my Prius v. The max height for the windows need to be reset to prevent it from automatically reopening when they are closed. Every search says I should wait 12 hrs at the desired height. It's been a week now and they still bump down. I didn't have this problem when I used similar ones on my Gen 2 Prius. Any suggestions? Is there some other way to set the max height?
The windows are set by current increase, not height. Give it another week for the deflectors to "bed in the channel" and they should start working correctly. It took mine a couple of weeks before they would close in Auto every time.
Hold the switch and close the window and keep holding it for 5 sec, then do the same thing to open the window and hold it for 5 sec, it should reset the auto window. iPhone ?
Love the way my windows rattle around in their channels after installing the weather tech wind deflectors, not
No rattles here. If they are installed properly I do not see how they can rattle with the window closed tightly.
Man these rears deflectors with the clips are a real PITA! Hard enough to get the clip in securely, but everytime I go to fit the deflector in the top channel, the clip either comes out, or there's simply no room for it to fit in.
You are installing the clips incorrectly. Go to the Weathertech site and watch the video. I had to watch it to figure out the correct way. The clip actually goes between the weatherstripping and the metal door channel, not in the weatherstripping channel.
I finally got them in, but your post makes me wonder. The window rolled up fine, and it seems good now.