I hope you enjoy your 05 POS, so how much do your parents supplement you so you can enjoy making poor decisions. The reason the prius didn't drive well for you is the nut behind the wheel. If you want a sporty car, fine get one, but you shouldn't come on here and talk down the car that we all like. I have a child that seems about where you are in life. He thinks he is doing fine, it seems he knows everything, funny thing he would be homeless without my help. I also have a legacy that my son drives and that car just keeps going 214k but it't not all that great. 16 mpg city I would replace it with somthing better but he would just ruin it.
My daughter is 14.5 so I'm not looking forward to the next couple years... Hopefully her 'tude, won't be like the OP... in my 42 years..... of life, vehicles I have owned... 1984 Chevy cavalier hatch (gone in 3 months) 1978 El Camino (v6) 1966 Mustang (200ci 4sp coupe) not fast, but it had a soul.... 1987 Fiero se (2.8l v6, not the i4 firebomb) 1990 Grandprix 1985 Honda nighhawk 1989 Honda Pacific Coast (totaled, got hit) 1976 BMW R100rs 1987 BWM K100 LT 1994 Chevy Impala SS (vette engine) 1987 s10 1987 F150 (in fuego from faulty ignition swich) 1994 C/K 2500 2000 Pontiac Montana 2004 Chevy Tracker LT (totalted got hit) 2008 Saturn Vue Hybrid 2009 Chevy HHR (totaled got hit) 2010 Chevy HHR (totaled got hit) 2010 Prius iv (totaled by tree) from a fun factor... Mustang, Impala, and Bikes. the HHR and the cavalier were very practical cars the Vue is a novelty for the wife so she can HOV, and the prius is a nice car, no soul, no real driving enjoyment more of an appliance. but a nice enough appliance that I'm looking for another one. I've had my eye on a 66 mustang fastback for a while and with the insurance check, I could probably get into pretty easy. But I need a daily driver, and a 40+ year old car is anything but... the Prius with the great mileage suits my needs at this time. Life is sacrifice....sometimes you get what you want, othertimes....you get what you need...
Truer words have never been spoken. I traded in a 2012 Mustang v6 Premium 6spd for my 2014 Prius Three with sun roof. The Mustang was a lot of fun and I wanted it so badly. I needed to get a different car, a more family friendly vehicle, after having my son and I went with the Prius. I should have listened to my husbands warnings about getting a non-family friendly car when we were planning a family but I wanted that car so bad! I love the Prius and surprisingly don't miss the Mustang as much as I thought I would. But I am looking forward to the day when I can get another and when my son gets old enough for a mommy/son project of a restoration on a '69 Mustang.