Just read the "unbiased" review of the two rigs, Apple's and oranges? If somebody has the money and wants to drive a mercedes more power too them. What I don't get is all the gnashing of teeth and outright hate for little Prius and those that own them. Read the comments, puzzling. ????? Paid less for my prius that many cars in its size class..........my monthly fuel bill dropped from 500 to 800 a month to 75 to 2oo. That is a bit of savings, at least from my bank account! RAL
If I could describe the Prius driver's seat(back) in one word, that word would be - CONCAVE. Concave as in not facilitating good upright sitting posture, but tending to make my chest sink and cave in. There is really no lumbar support in the base seat. When I do sit up straighter, the head rest is right there butting up against my head. There's really no lateral seatback support in the shoulders area. My 2005 Accord sedan base model driver's seat and seating position is much better than the seat and seat position in my 2011 Prius. Too bad the Accord doesn't have the Prius drivetrain. I'd kick the Prius out (sell) immediately.
The Accord hybrid has a drivetrain similar to a Prius..... okay not really, but it feels similar: EV MODE with the gas engine turning-on only as needed (high acceleration or high speeds). I don't think I would trade an already-paid Prius for an Accord hybrid though. It would be cheaper to just buy a new, firm drivers seat.
The "small" fuel tank in the Prius was designed to keep human bladders from exploding between fill ups! It's a health and safety thing, especially for those who drive Prius on long distance trips!
Thanks! I'll take that "quite young" as a compliment!! I had some interesting training in my younger days, and a penchant for endurance sports, so maybe that has had something to do with it. Who knows?
I don't drink any fluids on road trips, thus extending my "personal" range before I need to stop. It's such an obvious solution and yet people still drink while driving (thus requiring a wasteful stop every 100-200 miles.)
Hydration is important and should be done a little at a time to maintain some distance between those required stops. Just stay away from diuretics like coffee or some of the soda's out there. If your doctor has you on some type of diuretic, stay the course. I prefer water when I go on a long trip, or a zero calorie electrolyte replacement drink. Dehydration's definitely not good.
Ha, no. I did my time behind the wheel of tractor trailers driving insane hours for the sake of keeping schedules. I'm not withholding hydration or the joy of occasionally stretching my legs on long road trips these days. I'm over that "gotta get there as fast as I can" mindset. My body needs lots of water, and I make sure it gets it even on road trips.
Many drivers are not so eager to sacrifice their health and safety to dehydration and highway hypnosis. Old age, per se, does not require more frequent rest stops. Many seniors can go just as long between rest stops as the young. But the injuries (childbirth, prostate treatment) and ailments (various infections) that do require more frequent stops tend to accumulate with age, and become far more obvious as the headcount in the vehicle rises higher than one. Especially when the occupant mix is no longer all young males.
I usually drive for about 2 hrs at a time on a 4 hr trip. My halfway point between Raleigh and Charleston, S.C is Florance, they always have the best fuel prices. Plus it's good to stretch . I think it is good, you then have a fresh start.
Yes and yes, bought gen iii certified used from dealer and drive 120+ miles a day. "Time flies when you are in a Prius." I'm in mpg heaven