I wanting to either reduce or remove the GPS lockout when starting the Nav unit on my C. I have access to a Scangauge II, but can't seem to find anything in discussions about it. Anyone have a clue as to how to do this without the need for crazy wiring (not my kind of mod). Thanks
The crazy wiring is completed for you here: Navigation Speed Lock Override for Toyota Prius (All Models) - PriusChat Shop You'll still need to install it and tap into the wiring behind the headunit. This override tricks the headunit into reading 0mph when the switch is enabled, which will allow you full functionality of the headunit at speed.
That's the kind of crazy wiring I want to avoid. That said, I don't really need to use the GPS functionality whilst moving, but I want to expedite or remove the warning screen when the system boots up. You know the one which tells you to be safe and don't use the system whilst driving and you have to 'Agree' before you can use the GPS? I would have thought this would just a software setting - I don't really need 10 seconds to read this same blurb every time I use the GPS.
I bet that warning is there for the attorneys at Toyota's sake! Because of a very few people, (and their stupid law suits), we all get to endure GPS blurbs, back up beeps, seatbelt beeps, and inability to use the Nav, while underway. We live in the day where a very few, are in control of the majority, by default.