Good price? Should I pull the trigger? Just listed my smart for sale and showing it tonight after work already...
^^ what he said! But that seems like a pretty good deal. I would tell them you wont do anything over 20K for it.. but i like the challenge of trying to get something cheaper from a dealer that is making tons.
Just for your info, Looking at a 2012 Prius five with ATP, Barcelona Red, 8200 miles 22.5K 14 months of warranty or mileage left. Started at 24.999.
No one is interested in paying that much for a 2012. Get a trade in price that is better than you can get on the Smart. Save on sales tax too. The market for the Prius has tanked. Wholesale on my 2012 IV with 38k miles is 13k. Dealers don't want them because they sit forever.
And they sit forever because they're all asking way too much for them. I'd have bought one a while ago now, but all I see are 2013 Prius 2's listed for $21000 every day. I don't get it. I want to buy one, but can't get anyone to realize what they SHOULD sell for. I still think that ATP was a decent deal, considering all the 2's for the same price, but still... I just want a 2012-2013 Prius 3.. is that so hard? But they're all listed for almost the same price as brand new ones.... I don't get it. I should just keep my smart and go do something else with my time... hehehe.
Maybe where you live. Up here (where they're super common/popular) they sell quickly, and for above-average prices. OP, that's a good deal, IMO. Of course lower is better. I just paid 19 and change for a 2010 5 w/o ATP, with 40,000ish miles.