How 'bout a session at an all you can eat KFC buffet! I just had lunch and I'm hungry again... Thanks. <_< :lol: To keep the pounds off I highly recommend lots and lots of ice hockey.
HAHA... less KFC would help a lot. For breakfast try the shakes, lunch a salad and for dinner a 6 inch sub from subway. I suggest buying the 12 inch sub and just eating half one night and save the other half for the next. It's only like a dollar fifty more for the extra six inches. Work out at least 5 hours a week. Crunches, afternoon jog, pullups (inside and out)... there's many things you can do if you have the time and dedication. I need to start workin out myself. Damn desk job is givin me a gutt. I was 145lbs when I started and 9 months later I'm 168lbs. NOT GOOD. Leme know how things go with ya.
lol... i've always thought that to be the best workout too kfc does kinda sound good though. I say go outside because when i feel out of it, i go for a several mile hike through the local mountains. it's fun, but no one can keep up with me. <_<
Does KFC do any chicken that is broiled instead of fried??? Course don't ask me about healthy diet, I thouroughly enjoyed Cioccolato con Peperocino (Spicy Chocolate) with a couple glasses of Syrah for last night dinner.......I did hit the gym before and sex would have been fun after but overall I don't feel too guilty!
This is too funny, eat leass, excercise more... duh... But keep eating KFC, my roomate works there so I wouldnt want him to lose his job and not pay rent!!!
I bought a bicycle over the weekend. Just a couple of days of riding around I am sore as heck, but I *feel* better. I bought a little board that clips onto the handlebars so I have something to rest my gut on. My heart has basically 2 speeds: computer and asleep; maybe I'll get a 3rd speed because of the biking one day.
I remember a recent ad where a family is eating KFC in the back yard and a neighbor sticks her head over the fence and is amazed that the daughter is eating fried foods. The reply was that it wasn't fried, but I don't know remember what it was. Here's their menu if you want to see it.
Good for you! Keep it up. I ride between 3 and 4 thousand miles/year and I am just a little over weight. I am not sore, but at 72 years I am gald to feel anything at all. I learned a long time ago the truth to the saying "use it or loose it". After a while that no longer gets a belly laugh.
hmm, well since i just got cleaned up after my 8-mile trail biking loop... i'd suggest trail biking. great fun, you really don't notice you're exercising until that last uphill in the last mile on the way back to the car really works the legs, and y'know, even my arms are a bit sore after one particular loop. but your butt will hurt after the first few times, be warned
hehe.. it's true.. you can. my ex and i used to eat whatever we want.. and kinda still do... but when we were together we used to compesate our diets with sex.. worked well. she's gained weight since.. i'm dissapointed in her new b/f. lol
I still don't understand why my butt hurts so bad after gardening even though I go to the gym, bike and lift weights. Different activities have certain benefits (?) over others so I guess variety is the best way to go for all things. I sometimes find myself in a rut with activities. I only saw a couple non-fried chicken items there (menu) and lots of white/processed stuff. I like to cook from scratch myself...control! Processed foods are addicting and usually do not satisfy your body's needs so you eat more thus weight gain. Processed foods are harder to kick than some drugs.
OMG, the thought of me and Nancy sitting in the backseat with a bucket of the Colonel, a drumstick in each hand making whoopie! I can't tell if I am turned on or nauseous :blink:
Your comment about your butt being sore reminded me of this old joke: Two nuns are bicycling down a cobblestone street back to the monastery. The first one says to the other "I haven't come this way before." The second one replies "I know. It's the cobbles."