I took my first weekend trip with the Prius over the weekend when my son (14 months) and I went to Myrtle Beach (4.5 hours from me with a stop in Columbia for lunch) to join my sister. It was fun a fun and comfortable car to drive that far. My son was able to nap for 2 hours, each way, in his car seat. I really enjoyed it. I meant to do it before we left the house but forgot until we were a few miles out but I reset the Trip B data and used it for this trip. From my door to the hotel it is 249 miles. On the way back we reached 52 MPG and I did a little dance in the car. I was surprised to see that but happy. We had a lot of traffic leaving the beach and it was stop and go for a while. Oh and we could not figure out how to shut the GPS up! She kept telling us to make a u turn but we knew where we were going and didn't need to. The next day I saw the stop guidance option. :-/ My sister has a 2010 Prius (we think a Four but we aren't sure, the dealer had it listed as a Two and she got the Two price) and said it was very different from hers and she didn't see where to shut her up. iPhone ?
I took my first weekend trip with the Prius over the weekend when my son (14 months) and I went to Myrtle Beach (4.5 hours from me with a stop in Columbia for lunch) to join my sister. It was fun a fun and comfortable car to drive that far. My son was able to nap for 2 hours, each way, in his car seat. I really enjoyed it. I meant to do it before we left the house but forgot until we were a few miles out but I reset the Trip B data and used it for this trip. From my door to the hotel it is 249 miles. On the way back we reached 52 MPG and I did a little dance in the car. I was surprised to see that but happy. We had a lot of traffic leaving the beach and it was stop and go for a while. Oh and we could not figure out how to shut the GPS up! She kept telling us to make a u turn but we knew where we were going and didn't need to. The next day I saw the stop guidance option. :-/ My sister has a 2010 Prius (we think a Four but we aren't sure, the dealer had it listed as a Two and she got the Two price) and said it was very different from hers and she didn't see where to shut her up. iPhone ?
in the options page whiting the GPS, second line indicate " Stop Guidance ", and it will make her shut-uppp
what year car is it?if its the 11 or above hit the destination button and it'll be at the top of the screen and then just hit the off button.
I'm pleased with it. My commute isn't very good because it's only 15 min away but I'm just 2 months into a 6 month contract and then my commute might go up if I get a job in the neighboring county.
I went from 350 miles per week to 500 miles per month this year. I expected my fuel economy to tank due to the short hops & the inactivity but I can't say that it has. The computer lies. Don't believe it. Keep your own records. My guess is you get 47-48mpg at the pump. A lot will depend on how you pump the gas. You're off to a good start and that's a pretty decent number for a road trip. Get used to the car & do the little things and that lifetime average will creep up. BTW, that feeling never gets old. My car likes cooler temps (50's-60's) and yesterday morning's trip was over 60mpg. It took my friend's custom body work to wipe the smile from my face. The trip home in warmer temps knocked the number down a bit but after today's errands it's still 58.5mpg.