I think I need a "Prius Navigation for Dummy's" book. Just got my '06 Prius with Nav and have tried reading the manual to understand how it works. Does anyone have a simplified set of instructions for it? I am just trying to answer the question of what turns the navigation system on and off; what makes the voice start to tell you directions and how do you tell the voice to stop navigating for you? I see the voice commands, but cannot figure out what activates the navigation system to start directing you and how you silence the lady's voice?
The manual isn't the best. Try the online tutorial at: http://www.lexus.com/assets/navigation_sys...d/lexus_nav.htm The Prius system is supposed to be the same as the Lexus. Then when you return to the manual it will make more sense. The first few parts of the Lexus tutorial will answer your basic questions if I remember correctly. - Tom
I haven't tackled the Nav yet myself but I've had it less than a week now. Did you get one book or two for the Nav? I got one users manual and also a quick reference guide with pictures. My dealer programmed my home address as Home in the nav, so I was able to use the voice recognition to say "Go Home" and it directed me, but I haven't tried putting in any other addresses yet.
I agree that a new manual is needed or better still the software needs improvement. I didn't find the Lexus site much help when my car was new last year and I still get various problems with the Nav system. I can put in an address now and get it going but it needed perseverance (as does much software) and sometimes it doesn't work as I expect it to. But when it does work, it's very good. I was especially impressed at the way it amends the route if you take a different turning to the one it advises. The woman doesn't shout, "NO, NO, that's wrong.. go back, you idiot!" She simply continues to tell you which way to go on the new road. Tomorrow I'll try to copy some of the notes I made but I seem to remember that to stop her talking you have to hit MENU and you get several options of which one is 'STOP GUIDANCE' and you just touch the screen over this.
You turn it on by pressing the dest button next to the screen and inputting your destination... just follow through a few screens until it starts talking. It turns off automatically when you reach your destination. To suspend the voice talking to you press the menu button next to the screen and you'll see a "suspend guidance" button on the screen.
The real key to entering a destination: Enter the City first, then the street and number. You'll notice that as you enter it in, some of the keys will become grey'd out (because it knows that no city in that region will have that letter next), until it gets enought to guess and give you a list. By puting in the city first, you reduce the search area, so the street can be narrowed down quicker.
The Nav system is not intuitive to be sure. Sounds like you got directions to the "stop guidance" screen. Really like the system but takes some time and just playing. Once I realized that there are several "layers" to many of the screens, found all kinds of fun things. I recently found the "intersection" helpful when trying to find my destination in North Carolina. The system did not recognize the building address but directed me to the closest intersection which was within throwing distance. Good luck. helogirl from Va
By now, does anyone have a "basic steps to the nav system" document to share? I need to teach my mother and leave one in the car, thanks, dm
The "stop guidance" command is one of the voice commands I can never get to work. It usually gives me "Display POI" icons in response. I suspect there is a pronounciation that would work better. One would end up learning a new language, Priusnav, sort of like the new alphabet needed for character recognition on the earlier Palm Pilots.
i think it's suspend guidance and resume guidance... there is a list somewhere with the 04 - 05 list and the 06+ list. i tend to use only a few; delete all destinations, yes, no, temperature 72, automatic climate control on/off, and screen off. oh yeah.. on long trips i love to say " go home " i think it's actually just "home" while on the map screen.
Yep. It's "suspend guidance". Another that'll work is "delete destination", but I don't usually do that.
The car came with a Navigation System Quick Reference Guide that is a small book that covers the basics to get started with both nav and bluetooth. Really not bad. The "Delete Final Destination" tends to work better
I couldn't remember that it was "Stop guidance" and I was saying "Guidance stop", which caused it to display or hide various POI. I came to the conclusion that if the satnav does not understand, it just pretends that it matches one of it's words/phrases and executes that in instead. Is there a single voice command that can undo the last setting that it made?
My 2011 Prius IV doesn't have a menu button next to the screen. I also can't get her to shut up except to turn all audio off, including the radio. Other ideas?