I don't know if any of you have experienced this but her goes. In the state of New Jersey (and one other, only) you are not allowed to pump your own gasoline. As a result the last couple of fill ups from the virtually empty (one square, not flashing) it seems to only take around 7 to 7.5 gallons of gas, no matter how slowly the gas is pumped into the tank. The temperature has been on the warmish side for winter, 50-60 degrees. I hope the bladder has not become stuck in this small mode as the distance between fill-ups is limited. The overall mileage is still between 44-50 mpg just my overal distance has become limited. Hopefully I won't have to wait for summer to get back to the normal 9-10 gallons that I was putting in last summer.
When you say "distance has become limited" - what do you mean? How far are you going between fill-ups? It DOES sound like a bladder issue to me..... Yoda
I go between 275 miles and 350 miles per fillup, again my mileage is still between 44 & 50 mpg. I can only squeeze in about 7 to 7.5 gallons of gas per fillup. My question is whether the bladder material has memory and will stay at this reduced size or during the warmer months will I be able to get the 10-11 gallons into the tank?
That's weird. Up here in NH, where it's been 30's and 40's (mild, we say) I fill up at 2 or 3 bars and put in 7 - 7.5. Admittedly, I've still got a small data set - 4 fill-ups. After reading too many out of-gas posts here, I don't have any plans to venture down into single-bar territory.
Do the fastest fillup possible.. or change stations.. I have found it to vary from pump to pump.. but this technique seems to work. It has not been mild enuff yet in jersey to strech it.. (gets too cool at night still) Scott