After starting up this afternoon, the following happened to me: Check PCS System (MFD), PCS idiot light blinking, ABS indicators on, the triangle and anti skid/brake assist light on. The car shifted itself to neutral. I was 30 miles from the shop, but after determining that no engine faults existed, I continued on. At the dealer, their finding was "network error codes": Phantom Error Codes were set by customers use of aftermarket Scan Gauge unit hooked up to Data Link connector. Their advice was to unplug the unit and never use it again! LOL. So while I think their conclusion is complete BS, I can't argue the fact that unplugging the unit apparently cleared the fault. Have other ScanGauge II users experienced problems with "Phantom Error Codes" being sent by their Scan Gauge II unit? A possible factor today that can't be excluded from this was that we experienced 100 degree (F) heat, so the SGII unit certainly baked all day long in the sun. However, I have used these gauges in several cars for at least 6 years now, and we've had heat like this before. I hate to lose the data (particularly coolant temp, RPM, and load), but I didn't like the result of the fault today (no regen braking, and the braking system didn't feel right as a result).
I've never really found the need or money for a scangauge, but my cheapo ELM BT scanner did turn my C's dashboard into a christmas tree...
I would contact ScanGuage support and ask them your question. It may just be an old version of firmware that needs to be updated. You have to send you unit in to get firmware updates. I hear they are extra friendly to customers that are also PriusChat members.
I've been using a ScanGauge for years, always connected, without any trouble. In fact, I have a splitter which allows me to also connect a Bluetooth reader at the same time. No trouble with that either.
Yeah, I am already on that, too. I just wondered if any PChatters had any experiences like this. Hopefully, it will end up just being a random error that doesn't repeat itself. And if Linear Logic can do some testing and certify that the unit is A-OK, that will be even better. We'll see what transpires.
Linear Logic was also right on it. They're sending a CAN only cable that has a few pins removed. Apparently, Toyota wires some electronics through the OBDII port like ABS. So it is possible that this problem can be fairly easily resolved by using the modified cable. Linear Logic was, in fact, so quick with this response that a modified cable is already on its way to me.
Can you post an update, with pictures of the original OBDII cable plug vs the CAN cable plug showing which pins aren't needed? I'm going to be making a couple cables soon and I'd like to just leave those connections out. I need a longer cable for mounting in my car so I'll keep the original cable around for generic DTC code reading on all vehicles. Thanks. SCH-I535
Me too. I'm not going to run a splitter, but I would like to (a) have it easier to put the BT adapter on the connector, and I think a loose cable that I can see rather than a hard mount I can only feel is better, and (b) would not like to accidentally interfere with the breaks.
Scanguage II has been hooked up since the day I bought the car, a year next month without any problems at all. In addition, I had a Progressive monitor hooked up via a splitter for 60 days without any issue.
Two years ago I brought my car to a dealer in for an annual safety inspection. They told me that having the Scanguage plugged in prior to the inspection messed it up somehow. They told me that next time to unplug it two days before bringing it in. Sure, I'll do that...
I have been using SGII for years also with no problem. I have used it with a splitter with Engine Link Wi-Fi adapter, no problem. When I take it to the dealer I unplug it just before handing key fob to Service Advisor. Once again never a problem.
The "original" OBDII had all plugs pinned out. The CAN only is missing 3 on top and 4 on the bottom as shown. Not sure this will help or not… but here it is.
Old thread, but since my model is 2011 (not plug-in) and it might still be relevant. I was driving down a highway one time when the lights on the dash came on all over the place, and the car went into "Limp" mode. I pulled into a local parking lot and pushed the OBD connector back in (it had worked loose). It was fine after that. Now, some years later I had a situation that after I went around a sharp turn onto a side street, the ABS and brake lights came on and I lost regenerative braking -- only had friction braking. Stopped the car, shut off, reseated the OBD connector and all was well again. About a week ago, I started up the car and hadn't started moving yet when the ABS and brake and skid lights went on. Again reseated the OBD and "rebooted" the car. However, this time they went on again after 5-10 seconds of ON. The last three times the car has been sitting in sun on 90+ degree F days so was hot inside. Disconnected the SGii and everything happy again. I figured the ODB connector had gotten loose due to expansion/contraction on these hot days and was planning to just order a new ODB cable for the unit. (I had previously contacted Scangauge folks about heat and the unit itself and was told heat was no problem for them as they used high-heat parts (mil-spec?) and it should be able to take the high temps.) After reading this thread, I think I'll contact manufacturer to let them know of problem and if they still provide the altered cable for Prius. Odd that this has happened only after years of using the SCii without problems.
Maybe try disconnecting the ScanGuage for a while. I see in May of 2014 I posted saying no problems: but about 3 years back I did start having problems, "check hybrid system" warning, coupled with various warning lights, and codes that pointed to brake system. I brought it into dealership about 3 times, whenever it would happen, and the last time the mechanic noted that there appeared to be a sporadic break in communication with his laptom running Techstream. He suggested to disconnect SG and see how it went, which I did, and no issues since.