I am looking to get a folding key fob for my new Prius C2. The key it comes with is just a key with an enlarged base that holds the lock/unlock and panic buttons. Anyone know of any options for me to swap this out for a folding key fob? Has anyone swapped out their original key on the C2? Thanks for any help with this one!
I was wondering the same thing. Hope someone has an answer for this one. --The best things in life aren't things--
Call around to a few locksmiths. Some specialize in car keys and FOBs and the programming. P.S. In a car with a "real" key and ignition switch, I prefer to keep the remote FOB and the physical key apart from each other........to GREATLY decrease the chances of locking BOTH in the car at the same time. Alas, don't have that option with my C3.......and haven't studied that situation closely enough to know WHAT to do if my FOB gets lost or destroyed. A spare metal key will get you INTO the car but won't start it once you are IN. I'm going to have a very similar problem with the new Ford too.
Loosing the fob is another story, but one should be able to start the car with a damaged fob. I did some testing and was able to get the key FOB to start the car with the FOB battery removed by holding the the fob to the start button. Which would indicate to me the transponder chip on the little IC board inside is all that is needed. I would like to try to see if I can get a regular transponder key and use it in a similar way. Anyone had experience with this?