cool, where did you pick up eibach springs from? i want to lower my wife's prius v3. i thought tanabe was the only company selling springs. i didn't know they carry them for the prius v. 1.5" drop is good.
I installed the tanabe spring it was about 1.2 to 1.5" drop after the spring settle. The ride was just slightly stiffer than original which I prefer when baby asleep.
Mostly aesthetic, especially with larger rims and low profile tires, the gap is accentuated. Makes an unlowered car look like it's on tip toes. Improves handling by lowering the vehicles' center of gravity and firms up the ride. SCH-I535
Is the eibach direct install without modifications? I purchased the h&r ones from tire rack and my installer says these are wrong for the front springs. The h&r site doesn't list the v wagon model just the normal Prius...
You have the normal prius springs, h&r doesn't make spring for the v. Cut the front spring about half a coil at the bottom, it will fit, that what I did to my Eibach. iPhone ?
I just had Tanabe NF 210 lowering springs installed last week. They are 5% stiffer and 1.5" lower and made specifically for the Prius v. At 50,000 miles I'll get Tokico adjustable shocks installed. The Tanabe springs seem to overpower my stock shocks even though they are listed as having only 5% more stiffness. It may be due to lowering the shock rod one inch. Either way the shocks don't seem capable of snubbing (dampening) the springs enough. Also I get rubbing in the fender well at or near full steering wheel lock. Irritating. I'll have to use a heat gun to move the offending area away from the tire. All these gremlins never happened when I put Eibach lowering springs on my tuned '95 Maxima. That's I lowered the v this time. SO... knowing all that I would have waited, installed the sway bars first and saved up for the complete spring/shock kit and paid the $500. labor cost only once. Aaarrrrggghh!