I changed the cabin air filter in my 05 today and found what appears to be rodent feces on the old filter. Could I have an unwanted passenger in my car, how could this happen?
maybe not in the car, but in the engine compartment from underneath. not all that unheard of especially if you live in an area with cold winters. animals will do a lot to get in out of the cold
I don't experience this yet but when I got my 05' Silver Pkg.6 Prius last March the service advisor said that their dealership have had client with the same problem, their advise to us is to keep the RECIRCULATING BUTTON of the A/C to ON Position when you park your car at night so rodents wont get thru the vents....Hope this will help you.
Hmmm...this definitely helps alot, thanks. I have an 06 and am pretty sure that rodent feces may have already accrued. Thanks for the advice.
There was a post about putting a bit of screen or hardware cloth somewhere about 12-18 months ago. I can not find it can anyone help with this?
------------------- Little Mickey's can really cause a lot of damage $$$ (Garwsh!) Aside from finding a small cat to live in the car, If you park outside, make sure you dont park on leaves or grass. Mice already russle around in that stuff and guess what they doo when the find a big warm 'house' right above their stompin grounds. Forget the mesh screen. They WILL find a way in. Just make it inhospitable by parking over concrete or inside. Keep an eye out under the hood for torn insulation as they try to make their nests. a couple of rat poison pellets can fix the problem but if he dies in there, ..well they don't make a Pine Tree air freshener big enough to fix that :blink:
I live in an area with lots of rats. I've had my wiring chewed quite a bit. Plus they bring in their food and eat it in the engine compartment. They haven't started on the Prius but a few days after bringing home my 2005 Tacoma there were half eaten guavas on the engine cover. I try to dry off the vehicles every day and/or open the hood and make sure no one is moving in, which seems to deter them. So far that was the only occurrence. I think the best traps are the electronic ones that run on batteries and shock the rats. No mess and humane. Just don't forget about checking the traps often, you don't want a rat to melt down.
LOL, I can see it now your driving down the road and a mouse jumps on you out of the vent .... auto accident waiting to happen... lol ,Not funny but it is kinda... :lol: I had a spider jump one me from the visor I swear it was the size of a humans hand... Yes I took out a set of mailboxes and a chain link fence... Thats why it seems funny to me..... :blink:
i keep my vent on recirculate because i dont want to breathe in exhaust from other cars (ya i know it doesnt work THAT well, but it still makes me feel better). never realized it would help keep out rats. we dont have that much of a problem around here...i figure they probably drown if they havent found a house to live in since they live in the ground in the summer time
Half eaten guavas!!?! :lol: I had a small ant problem under the hood of my car last August.... I killed as many as I could with... Windex, I think. Haven't seen any since.
Try sprinkling some Red Pepper powder across their access trails/areas, just NOT on the car, on the ground like a "fire" line. It should be at least 6+ inches wide and as long as needed to block their path. Its cheap, and they don't like it. Niether do cats btw.