I've had my gorgeous new Prius for over 2 weeks now, and everything is working just fine. (Seaside Pearl, Package #6). At my first fillup, I was averaging about 40 mpg; hopefully that will improve over time. As I drive along I see other Prius' and wonder if they're a 2004 model or 2005. (Is there a way to distinguish one from the other (short of opening my window and shouting to the other guy)? Also, will there be a way to easily tell the 2006 models from the earlier 2005's? I guess this may sound petty, but I'd like to know who's driving the same model year that I am. Anyway, driving to work has never been as pleasurable as it is now!! What a difference!
The 04/05s are basically identical. There are some minor package differences. For example, if it doesn't have a rear wiper, it's an 04. The wiper was standard in 05. Or, you can look inside at the headliner. If it has two little buttons holding it up, it's an 05, though I'm not sure all 05s have that. Aside from that, you'd have to check the VIN. The 06s will have different front grilles, headlights, and tail lights so they'll be easy.
Some 04's have a rear wiper, but some don't. All 05's have a rear wiper. It only distinguishs between 04 and 05 if there isn't a wiper.
B) I have an 04 as well and it has a rear wiper as well. Also if you look at the rear taillights the upper part is black on the 04 and 05. If you look at yours you will see it is chrome.
On the 06s, they added on the Hybrid badges on the sides of the car on the front fenders/quarter panels. Also, on the 06s, I think there were changes to the grille and the headlights.
What Tempus is saying is exactly what I was originally thinking: rear wipers were not standard on all models in '04. This is not to say that all '04s do not have them. But when you see a rear-wiperless Prius, it's an '04. What about smart key? I know that some '04s don't have it? Is it standard on '05s and '06s? '06s have: - The silver grill - The silver/brass(?) rear taillights - The side "Hybrid SD" badge - The hi-res screen - The back-up camera - The iPod connector - The things that I would really like to have in my '04.
SKS is not standard on the '05. I think that Package #3 is the lowest numbered package that has it. Actually, I think it is true that the '06 "base" model doesn't have SKS either.
Here is what I posted back in Dec- PICTURES of side by Side 05 vs 06- scroll down to inventor00 post: http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=13806&st=20 At the Orange County (California) Prius Club meeting in early Dec, here are some pics of an 05 and an 06 together- 05 was Driftwood Pearl, 06 was Seaside Pearl (thanks BobDylan). And yes, he (the 06) applied for the Carpool sticker, so that is a "slight" difference (grin). 06 has clear tail lights vs black top for 04/05, 06 has Hybrid emblem on side and chrome in the front. You will also notice lower end packages for 04/05 without the black button on the door- they do not have smart entry. [attachmentid=2532] [attachmentid=2533][attachmentid=2534][attachmentid=2535]
The clear tail lights makes the '06's rear end look taller and narrower. The '05, in that picture, looks short and fat. I guess the fashion axiom that vertical lines slim and horizontal lines widen works for cars too.
The rear wiper was made standard on the 05 Prius. In 04 it was part of the option packages. As I recall package 1 was rear wiper only. All the other option packages included the rear wiper. So if you see a Prius without a rear wiper it is an 04 without any factory options, and most likely it was a rental car. At least in the Memphis area, if you see one on the dealer's used car lot, the asking price is about what the MSRP for an 04 package 9 was!
There are posts saying they stiffened the body. I can say that now i do see the difference, at 70mph i dont get wind effect as i did with the 04. Not sure what caused the improvment. I don't know if its just me but it seems like i'm getting better gas millege. I recently took a 450 round trip that on my 04 i would get MAX 49-50, on the 06 i got 54.5 Going there (230miles) i got an amazing 57.5 mpg which i've never had on the 04. (most i've ever seen was 53.5) Also it wasn't even a hot day ... temp ranged from 40-60. Do they have 3 bugs in the Voice recognition and mp3 skip folder, but those are minor IMO.
Actually, I think the "fatter" look on the 05s and 04s look much better than my 06 does... but then again, I really didn't choose the car for its looks Dave
70-73 in the 65mph zones and 65 on the 55 mph zones. Most of the way is 65mph highway. I was so excited to see the 57+ mph that i took a picture of it :-p but i don't have an attachment option here or i would post it.
I just noticed another difference. On the old 04 when i came to a stop i would actually hear this high pitch from the regeneration breaking... I don't hear that on the 06. Anyone else notice that ?