This piece appeared in my local paper today. This is certainly not the first time I have read an anti-hybrid opinion piece. I just don't understand why some people are so vehemently against what I think to be a wonderful new technology. We have had our '06 prius for about 2 months now and we consistently get MPGs in the high 40s and it seems most people who own Prii(?) do as well. Also, I find these cost comparisons/analyses between a Prius and a Corolla/Civic or some such car non-parallel and specious. just thought I'd share and see what others thought. Cheers and Happy Hybriding
Off the cuff, it feels like somebody with an axe to grind. He cites, and if you visit there and stare a while at the page you might find the tiny discussion link on the left. If you go to the discussion and look for mileage reports (e.g.,, you get the same sorts of posts as you do here: most great, some not so great. It's as if the columnist elected to ignore the positive posts and focus on the negatives.
Look at it this way. If it wern't for articles like this the wait for a new Prius would be counted in years instead of months. This guy is wrong and we know it. Why be defensive?
That is pretty funny. Articles like that really lowered my expectations when it came to getting a Prius. I have had it for four days now and my mpg are far better than I had hoped for a car that hasn't been broken in. I've been hitting high 40's without changing my driving style. I had 5 bars in a row over 50 on the highway this morning. It really is puzzling that non-owners seem so compelled to trash it. He reported on the negaive consumer reports things, but not on the owner satisfaction rating.
The article is right. Admit it or not, I didn't see any points in his message that was wrong. I think what was left out of his article creates a problem, and a skew. I got my Prius late on 2/15. It's 3/12 today. I have 2700 miles and my real time, at the pump mpg is 49.02 (and climbing). So, I'm one of the ones doing ok... why would I agree with that article? Because I know the car. I know what I have to do in order to get 55mpg on a tank. I have to drive it like I'm trying to slice thin beef. If I just drive it like a car, I'm lucky to get 40, maybe 45mpg. If I work it for every pulse-n-glide I can find... if I keep my speed down.. if I follow semi's.. I can get 55mpg over my 130 miles daily round trip. The truth is... if you put your daily driver in this car, don't tell them anything about it being a hybrid, just drive it today like you did your other car yesterday.. that person will be lucky to get 40mpg. Fill the car full of passengers and junk and it gets worse. Consumer reports and this article get it wrong when they leave out the ideal scenerio (which is what I think I have). They should ad to their articles: "If you have a long commute, and you want to learn the subtle intricate driving techniquies, this is the car for you. People are doing this and are getting about 50 miles per gallon. When you factor in their long commute and that expanded savings because of how long it is, these people are saving real money by buying a hybrid vehicle." Here is what I don't understand. The car is 50 highway, 61 city, 55 overall. I can get 55 on the chicagoland toll system. But, give me an hour long trip in the suburbs (city), and it totally drags my average down. I can't think of anything I can do to improve that. Getting back to the article, and the typical american driver, and those people are not going to even think about how to make it better. They're just going to get poor mpg in a high mpg car. I'll put on about 40,000 miles a year, and I'll get closer to 50mpg. I'm calculating my savings against my old vehicle (1999 F250 diesel), so my monthly fuel savings for equal miles is about $300 a month. My mom drives 11,000 miles a year. With those kind of short trips, and she'd never figure out the driving techniques, she'd not likely get 40mpg with a car like this. She'd definatly not save any real $$..
I haven't received my Prius yet but this article hasn't deterred me. It is obvious some people look for a few facts to back their opinion pre-shaped by ideology, while ignoring other facts. The omission of facts is as good as lying. Yes, I agree, the author has an ax to grind. He’s bitter to boot. People who purchase the Prius are, in general, positive in nature. Maybe that’s it. The author can’t stand happy people. Just an assumption based on speculation, mind you.
What an idiot!! I've had my Prius since 11/03 and nary an issue. NADA!! ZILCH!!!! I also get mid to high 40s and low 50s during the summer. If that moron had an email address, I'd write back.
Except I would bet that a large percentage will start playing "the game" because they'll have instant feedback on their economy. There's an interesting blurb in Forbes about the Highlander Hybrid. The author described herself as an aggressive driver who tended to race others in traffic. With the THH she found herself trying to get the highest MPG she could. Namely, with the hybrid the rules of the game changed. I think that there are a lot of people out there like that. Sure, there will always be the other type, but their mileage sucks in any car. The percent increase in MPG for them might be about the same as those who drive more conservatively. Also, with a Prius you CAN get phenominal gas mileage. With a conventional car the ceiling is much lower because of the Otto Cycle, ideling, etc...
I cannot agree with that more... this was one of the factprs that contributed to my wanting to purchase a Prius. Currently I drive a 2002 New Beetle. The same phenomon (sp?) of "happy drivers" can be found with the beetle as well. I dont know about you, but i have not seen to many angry or evil beetle drivers... The same goes for a Prius... happy cars have happy drivers....
We've had ours since last June. Don't drive it any different than any other car I've driven. With 20,000 miles on it I get mid 50's summer, mid 40's winter. I checked the web site he quoted, only 1 person reported mileage in the 20's and that was on an Escape hybrid, and then he mentioned he drove a conventional Escape prior to that and got 12 to 17!
Yeah, the Prius Gen II avg is 47.5 MPG with 522 cars in the DB. Here's the distribution of MPGs: Sorry, I couldn't include just the image because it's a dynamically generated one. Notice the bottom end. Now, I'll admit that this probably isn't a great sample because these are people who are posting their mileage and can therefore be construed as "interested parties". A more representative sample would take more effort though.
interesting article... and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and that is ALL there is to this article, opinion... not ONE SINGLE SHRED OF FACT in sight here... but, everyone is entitled to their own opinion
Well, if you want to send some messages to that is their email! [email protected] (just sent mine!) Let them know how we feel and maybe they will let one of our Senior members write a rebuttal! Me - 1300 miles so far, 50+ mpg, 50-65 temps. Since I drive over 28k miles per year, and gas here in California is just about the highest in the US, I am saving over $250 per month on gas alone! Plus the added saftey features that Corolla and other compacts they use comparisons do not have, or are really can they compare a Prius to any other car? I can understand a Civic comparison to a gas Civic, or an Escape, etc...where you can easily calculate the added price of the Hybrid system. The Prius is totally unique!
This paper appears to be very angry. Did anyone else notice the link to another article on wind power titled: Many costs, few benefits of wind power I'm guessing this is not a very progressive paper.
P.S. This is what I sent (please keep in mind I have only had mine for 2 weeks, so am still a rookie on the Prius). "Your Column by David Baumann on March 12 about Hybrid cars is very one-sided! Each Hybrid carries its one unique pluses and minuses. Lumping them together clouds the true issues, and misleads the public! In my case, I own a 2006 Prius. If you really want research on a Prius, you need to visit, where we have over 12,000 members, thousands of which post each and everyday. Your cost of ownership figures (including those from Edmunds), may work for vehicles like the Escape and the Civic, because they produce the exact same vehicles with standard gas engines. So you can clearly see the added cost of the hybrid system. In the case of a Prius, you can not compare it directly with a gas model, because it is simply not the same as an others. Yes, it is compact, like a Corolla, but it caries so many other features, that the Corolla does not. Tire Pressure sensors, full steering wheel controls for the audio and climate control systems, HID headlights, passenger air bags, Vehicle Stabilty contol, Navigation system, Heated mirrors, etc. Take even the highest model Corolla, and add on everything you can find...and you have a $25+ car...and still no Navigation, HID headlights...stuff not offered on the Corolla. That is only $3k less then my Prius! Now drive both comparison....the Prius feels like a luxury car, the Corolla feels like a rental! Yes there is a technique to Prius driving to maximize your mileage...and part of that technique is driving slower. Driving slower = less tickets, less accidents...all part of cost of ownership...but not figured into Edmunds! I have driven in every possible situation, rush hour in Los Angeles, open highways, city driving...and I get over 50mpg! Bottomline - generalizations have lead you down the wrong road! Look you ever see a Prius on a used car lot? NO! Prius owners LOVE their cars and know that they are saving money...and even if your argument was true...isn't reducing pollution and reducing related health costs also saving all of us in the long run? If you want to write an interesting article, why not one stating that you can drive a Hybrid at NO EXTRA long term cost AND help to reduce pollution! Hey, there is an idea! Prius owner Los Angeles, CA"
the paper sounds to be tucked away up in the mountains and completely anti-progressive. i have been prerusing other articles and they all seem to have the anti-technology slant. read about the weatherman in "crazy about the weather". same thing, poo-poo's modern weather sensing equipment for the old ways of gauging weather...but he can only really do current weather...this paper is comical to be honest with ya. it almost seems that the paper was plucked from the 1800's and dropped into the 21st century and it simply has not adapted yet. wouldnt surprise me to find out they still print the paper with moveable type on the other hand, the paper presents interesting views on the drug war, and you have to read the article on corn powered cars. very entertaining