For some strange reason the emblem on the tailgate of mine has an upper case V right after Prius. I noticed everyone on this site refers to the Prius wagon with a lower case v so I assume I got a defective tailgate badge or maybe mine's special??? Also, I assume the Prius V lift back is an extremely rare automobile as I have yet to find one. Every one I see on the road has a plain Prius badge on it's tailgate; no Prius V badges have turned up yet.
Nope, nothing is wrong with yours nor is it special the v on the back being the way it is. Irregardless of how it looks on the emblem on the rear of the car, it is a lowercase v. Toyota uses a lowercase v when referring to the Prius v as well all over their site as well as their literature. This is because they used an uppercase V for describing the 2010 liftback in trim level V. Only 2010 models went by II, III, IV and V for trim. Beginning 2011 it went Two, Three, Four and Five for trim. Toyota actually italicizes the v in Prius v, but no reason to go that far. The reason it makes a big deal, at least to me, is because it has caused confusion at times when people refer to their Prius v as a Prius V and some think they're talking about a 2010 liftback. Toyota caused the confusion, we don't need to continue it. Also, you never see a 2010 liftback with a V because no liftbacks were marked II, III, IV and V to describe what trim it was same as they are not marked Two, Three, Four or Five to designate trim from 2012 till now. Same with the Prius v, one has to just know by looking at a Prius v what trim it is, Two, Three or Five.
Since my original post was a little tongue-in-cheek, I wanted to thank you for taking the time to post useful informative details.