Our '06 has 68K on it. Last weekend I changed the front bumper (just cracked from small accident last year) and changed the oil. Used Mobil 1 5/30 and a Fram Oil Filter. After about 125 miles of driving intermittent Red T.O.D. Always when ICE is running. Oil level is OK - not loosing any oil. Filter and bolt on the pan are fine - no leaks. I'm going to change the oil again this weekend and use an OEM filter this time. Any thoughts? Will a scan gauge pick up the codes when the triangle displays. It's happening frequently. Car is not being driven at this time.
I don't think it has anything to do with your oil filter. Have you checked your coolant level on your car?
Yes, not about oil. Get the codes read. If it is something to do with the engine, then maybe the generic readers at Autozone will get the engine related DTC. If you are a DIY type, get the mini VCI code reader and have a look.
Thank you very much for the suggestions. Coolant level was ok....however I connected the scan gauge to it and the temp will get above 243 and then the light goes on. Coast for a little bit the temp drops and the light goes off. This leads me to ..'what the heck did I mess up when I changed the bumper?' I know the canister is up in the front drivers side corner. Guess I get to pull the bumper again. Any suggestions as what to look for?
When checking the coolant level, did you check the radiator itself? ...or did you just look in the overflow tank. In order to check the radiator, you have to remove the large plastic cover (six buttons) to gain access to the radiator cap.
"...the temp will get above 243 and then the light goes on." I hope that you have not caused permanent damage to the engine cylinder head by allowing this overheating. Given your observation above, it seems likely that one of your engine's problems is that there is insufficient coolant in the engine. Check the coolant level in the radiator as previously suggested. Use the correct pink Toyota Super Long Life coolant. If the level is OK there, then you need to run the engine at ~3,000 RPM for 10 minutes or more while the car is parked on the driveway, to force circulation of the coolant and get the air bubbles out. Turn the cabin heater temp to MAX HEAT and the fan should be on the high speed position when doing this, to get air out of the cabin heater core. You should not hear any air bubbling in the cabin heater core and you should feel plenty of heat coming out of the air vents. After you've gotten air out of the engine coolant system and replenished coolant in the radiator, take the car for a test drive while monitoring coolant temp. It should not exceed 190 degrees F under normal driving conditions.
Hmmm...I thought the orange check engine light the one that has a picture of the engine and says check under it lit on overtemp. At least that's what a few posters reported on overtemp. The Red Triangle is Master Warning Light. Sounds to me like you lost the serp belt that spins the water pump on the engine and or what Koolingit said don't bother checking the overflow take the black plastic engine cover off that covers the rad and open the rad cap. Maybe lost alot of coolant but can't see how just changing the oil.
flushed the radiator, refilled and all is well. Thanks for helping to point me in the right direction