RPM Limiter

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Accessories & Modifications' started by SteveHH, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. Mr Incredible

    Mr Incredible Chance favors the prepared mind.

    Jun 23, 2008
    2012 Prius c
    Data, I may have to disagree with some things you said. Respectfully, of course.

    Excerpts from an article out of CNN Money of 2006, "Eiji Toyoda set two goals: to develop new production methods and to wring better fuel economy from the traditional internal combustion engine. His target was 47.5 miles per gallon, a little more than 50% better than what the Corolla, Toyota's popular small car, was getting at the time.

    By the end of 1993 the development team had determined that higher oil prices and a growing middle class around the world would require the new car to be both roomy and fuel-efficient. Other than that, they were given no guidance. "I was trying to come up with the future direction of the company," says Watanabe, who headed corporate planning at the time. "I didn't have a very specific idea about the vehicle."

    There was a split between the engineers and sales executives," he says. "Engineers had the firm belief that the hybrid was the answer to all those questions--oil depletion, emissions, and the long-term future of the automobile society--but the businesspeople weren't in agreement.

    Some of our competitors say they are doing things for the benefit of humanity," he says. "Well, we are in a business, and we have a mission of creating value. The knocks against hybrids are all true. But what the critics didn't put a price on was the value of being seen as eco-sensitive without giving up performance. "Does it save enough money to pay for itself?" asks Press. "That's not the idea. What's the true cost of a gallon of gas, if you factor in foreign aid, Middle Eastern wars, and so on? The truth is on our side."

    Data, you wrote, "no more than the Boeing 777 would be expected to be thrown around recklessly in the sky like a highly manoeuvrable Russian Sukhoi Jet Fighter. " I distinctly remember the video of the first flight test of the Boeing 707. The test pilot got so jazzed with the new jet that he did a barrel roll over the ground crew and company officers. He did that because he could, and if felt great to do so. It was designed with more capabilities than are normally used, but could be used. The Prius is just like that. It is a machine that has capabilities that aren't always used, but can be used if desired. Every machine has an intended audience, but anyone that has sold MILLIONS of cars/trucks HAS to know that it be used both under and over the intended parameters.

    The Prius has been tested to the ends of performance, economy, and comfort. In the desert, in the arctic, on the autobahns, and in the jungles. It is a capable machine. Not everyone is going to plug along in the slow lane with only fuel economy as the main concern. And, anyway, it will be economical throughout its operating range.

    I've been to 100mph in my C. It can go to 106. I've also gotten 61mpg average for the best tank. Daily life is at the slower end, but it can still run with the big dogs as long as I wish it to. It may have a decreased life span, but what machine doesn't at max use?

    You pays your money, you takes your chances. You pay for a car, you can use it like you wish. But you gotta make the hard choices when you find yourself using a tool in a way that causes you concern.
    Data Daedalus likes this.
  2. orenji

    orenji Senior Member

    Aug 17, 2013
    2010 Prius
    I've been to 100mph in my C. It can go to 106. I've also gotten 61mpg average for the best tank. Daily life is at the slower end, but it can still run with the big dogs as long as I wish it to. It may have a decreased life span, but what machine doesn't at max use?

    100 MPH in a Prius C , why!? Because you can? This car was NOT designed for that crazy speed, sure hope you took it to that speed for less than 30 sec!
    Wonder how this car would look like hitting another car on the road at 100 MPH! Not too pretty I am sure. Take it to the track!
  3. Mr Incredible

    Mr Incredible Chance favors the prepared mind.

    Jun 23, 2008
    2012 Prius c
    Sorry, but nunya.

    It does 106, so must have been designed for 106.

    And yes, because I can, to be short about it. Dont know where you're from but there are wide open spaces where I'm from. Don't care how you drive, personally.
    Simtronic likes this.
  4. dolj

    dolj Senior Member

    May 14, 2012
    Wellington, New Zealand
    2007 Prius
    I also, disagree. I took my Prius to top speed, mainly cos I wanted to know what it was, and because I feel if you are on the German autobahns, it is obligatory to mix it up with the Mercs and Audis.

    It tops out at 188 km/h (112 mph) btw. I wish I could remember the consumption reading, but it wasn't horrific. Needless to say you won't be getting a 70 mpg tank doing 112 mph all the time.

    While, it was fun, you need to keep your wits about you. I was at no time worried about the handling and neither did it seem my passengers (wife & daughter) (and travelled at well in excess of 30 secs without the feeling of imminent destruction). It also makes a difference of how the speed is perceived when traffic around you are doing a similar or even faster speeds. I did have to move out of the left hand lane (as you must in Germany) to allow another car to pass. Hehe.

    Ah, good times. :)

    Having said all that, if travelling such speeds are not legal in your jurisdiction, then definitely take it to a track.
    Justdidit likes this.
  5. Bill Norton

    Bill Norton Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2012
    MONW, Ks.
    2010 Prius
    Either use the power required to flow with the traffic up the hills or,,,,,
    Slow down on the uphills and make new friends!!

    The Prius does not have a tach for a reason: It just doesn't matter.
  6. orenji

    orenji Senior Member

    Aug 17, 2013
    2010 Prius
    In USA the max speed limit in some states is 80 MPH, but most states are 65 MPH. I can understand doing 100 plus on the autobahn and maybe the European Prii is geared more for these speeds. I know that Audi, BMW, and Mercedes suspension are set up different then the cars we get in the USA, they tend to sit lower, and can handle better. My prior statement was not to be rude, it was my opinion and so sorry if it was taken wrong. I own several cars, my fastest can reach 160 MPH, but would never take to that speed on the streets or highways, as there are too many variables that could make it end really bad, for me and others on the road. Perfect example is the death of Paul Walker and his Friend Roger Rodas, both race car drivers, but the street they were on and the Porsche they were in did not match, too much power and not wide enough street with trees and telephone poles, so even if you are the best driver, crap can happen.

    There are many cheap cars made these days without a tach, does not indicate that high speed or acceleration does not create high RPM, I use a scan gauge as my tach, in my Prius, and try to stay below 3,000 RPM, that is me personal comfort zone.
  7. Data Daedalus

    Data Daedalus Senior Member

    Jul 6, 2013
    Wembley, London
    2008 Prius
    I purposely choose to cruise at 65mph on motorways (UK speed limit is 70mph btw). Obviously, my Prius will do 75mph just fine. But, I prefer not to. Yes, I do understand that the car will do 112mph (106mph officially I think) if pushed to that limit, but......it's not legal, and I didn't buy my Hybrid Spaceship so I could rag it everywhere. No siree Bob! My Prius is an important investment to me. It's not a Porsche or high end Audi S or something - so I don't race around like that.

    In city driving, I don't exactly baby it either. I'm away from the lights double quick, and will usually pull ahead to get into a favourable lane position. The electric motors produce excellent torque for this when I demand it - but a burst like that last no more than 15 seconds and I'm in the lane I want and feathering the fly-by-wire throttle while maintaining my 40 or 50mph on the highway to and from work. I keep up easily with the traffic, but don't really need to beat the car to death doing it. Indeed, I'm getting about 62.7mpg driving spiritedly on sections of my journey. On others, I'll relegate myself to the slow lane and cruise on CC at the speed limit - especially on those sections where I can do about 3 miles at between 80 - 99mpg.

    Why? Financial reasons. I'm saving fuel - it still costs a bomb in the UK. I don't like treating my Prius like a racing car for extended periods of time - only to jump out of trouble or when jockeying safely for a position in multi-lane traffic.

    Yes, I remember the Boeing 707 doing the barrel roll - I've read the story and repeatedly watched the YouTube videos long ago. Well built plane, over-engineered - just like the Prius II. Yes, I have gone from cruising speed to warp speed on the motorway to avoid idiots setting up a potentially dangerous situation in my immediate location - and yes, watching what looks like a slowpoke Prius II suddenly jump 3 lanes and flash towards the horizon effortlessly in excess of 80mph DOES give said idiots the shock of their lives. A mile ahead, I'll pull back into the slow lane and drop back to my 65mph cruising speed. Usually, after that, the idiots will curiously give the Prius Spaceship a wide berth - and stares of respect / wonder / intrigue as they cruise past (this time safely). And I've had said idiots sometimes just stay well back - and not repeat their previously dangerous manoeuvre.

    Of course I t's not a slow car. I categorically choose to drive below the speed limit. I save money on fuel bills and definitely save wear and tear on "The Vehicle". And I have an extraordinarily relaxed ride to and from my destination. And that's all a really want.

    I totally LOVE my Prius II T-Spirit Hybrid; best vehicle I've ever had :)
    Simtronic likes this.
  8. Justdidit

    Justdidit LVNPZEV

    Jun 12, 2012
    Carrollton, Texas
    2007 Prius
    Four Touring
    Wonder if you tuned the intake manifold you could lower the RPM needed to maintain a certain speed. Either by lengthening the runners...or shortening them...somehow.

    Been thinking about this from a 1NZ yaris motor - its been dyno proven to raise HP in a lower RPM band. Although our intake manifolds are different, the 1NZ-FE and the 1NZ-FXE share the same block. This should bolt right up.

    The sale: FS: tooter I.V 2 inch thick intake manifold spacer - Toyota Yaris Forums - Ultimate Yaris Enthusiast Site
    The build: tooter's next manifold adventure... - Toyota Yaris Forums - Ultimate Yaris Enthusiast Site

    Just a thought...