This is an intermittent problem. I get in the Prius with the Smart Key in my pocket. Start up the engine and drive away. The key warning light on the dash comes on and stays on for some time. The light with the key picture and an exclamation mark through it. Anybody else have this happen. There is no beeping warning like you get if you drive away with the key out of the car.
I saw this happen the first few days I owned the car, when I kept the key+fob in the left pocket of a big floppy coat. If I sat just right, it would flop to the left of the seat, down, and slightly behind the drivers seat, in which case the car didn't register they fob as being in the car. If I pulled the coat pocket back up, the saw the fob again and was happy. Since then, I've kept it in my right pants pocket, and haven't see the problem since. Just a possibility to consider, exactly where in the car is the key when this tends to happen to you? -Ken
Same here. If the purse is in the back or sometimes the cells are in the way. It is just telling you it is having a hard time reading the fob. Repositioning will solve your light.
Yes same thing...if I put my purse in back it sometimes pops on..the first time it happened I paniced just readjust the purse....
Neither is the case. It is in my front pants pocket as always. Guess I will have to run by Toyota sometime to see about it.
Have had my 06 for 2 months now, and just noticed the key light come on tonight. It happened after I was sitting in the car for 20 min waiting for my wife with the engine running. After she got in the light came on. I stopped and restarted and it went away. Then after opening the rear door it came on again for a short while. Let me know what toyota says.
Problems like this are murder to get fixed because they are intermittent. Plus, it isn't a big enough problem to warrant a visit just for this. So, you might have to let me know.
Ok now my stupid question, when the cars off and locked up there is a red flashing light that looks like a key...? is that like a anti theft warning light?
I am having the same problem. When the car is off and the keys are nowhere near the car the key warning light flashes and continues to flash untill the car is started again at which time, when the car is on the key in car light stops illuminating. No problems with locking the car even when the light is flashing. When the key is actually in the car the car won't lock and the key in car light is steady instead of flashing. Any ideas?
It's not a problem, it's a feature. The flashing key is the immobilizer icon, which shows that the engine immobilizer is active. This is just a warning to prospective car thieves that they won't be able to start your car, even if they break into it. If you don't have one, you need to get an owner's manual. It covers this an a lot of other useful information. Tom
Hey, Thanks a lot! Your prompt response is appreciated. While I've got your attention... Is the orange airbag light on the passenger side supposed to be lit all the time the car is on? Thanks again.
That is what it is! I noticed it when I first drove it home. The dealer said nothing about it. I called, concerned and was told it is the anti theft warning light.
Yes. I asked about that at our new car get together. They had a new Prius there and it did it too. Seems a waste.
Only if there is a passengar, or other heavy object sitting in the seat. It indicated the air is ARMED!! If nobody is sitting in the seat the light is off, indicating the Air bag will not detonate in you have a front ender!!! After all why should the bag go off if there is no one in the seat to protect. besides those damn things are expensive!! 73 de Pat KK6PD
I have found that if I put my pager in the same pocket as my smart key, I can't unlock the doors or start the car. Putting it back in the holster on my belt clears the issue up. There may be objects out there with similar frequencies that drown out or cancel the signal from the smart key.
My immobilizer RED CAR on dash never came on for the previous 2 years and 31,000 miles, it just started? Only when key is not in ignition and car is completely off. Any ideas? Thank you, Steve