Ive schedule service on Saturday, what should I expect. I assume I need an oil / fluids change, is that why the REQD MAINT light came on? What else could it be for these models? Thanks.
Depends on the mileage. What is yours? The light will come on every 5k miles, with tire rotations each time. Oil changes with synthetic oil are every other time at 10k intervals. Further along, expect filter changes, etc. which is all in the owners manual.
Mine is 26,000 miles and I don't know when they had the oil changed last. My dealer said the last service probably didn't reset the light, but Im gonna have it checked over regardless because the car is new to me.
They will recommend a rotation and an oil change. The rotation is available elsewhere for about $19 and the synthetic oil change is available for $50-60, sometimes even at a dealer (however the dealer may want $75). If you have multiple dealers close by (this is why you put a location in your profile) then call around first. The dealer will do a multi-point inspection but generally that means checking filters, pressures, etc., and looking for the obvious. The reset light procedure is in the book and is done from the dashboard buttons.