Here's my beautiful blizzard... Thank you for the info... I think they make you wait awhile to upload photos, because everything worked fine this time!
No problem soldier welcome to the BB! I forgot about the post count threshold in order to upload. 292. ZanLuvsKel
Another Blizzard Pearl here and I couldn't agree more that it is the best color!!!! I would not have purchased any other color.
Hello! I just bought my first Prius- a 2014- and HAD to have the Blizzard Pearl! She's beautiful and I am so excited to be joining the Prius community
I'm joining the cool kids! I just got my 2014 Prius Three on 5/3/14 and I love it! I sought out the BP with sun/solar roof and I'm very happy thus far.
Welcome aboard solider... think you might be the first women recruit. In any case, Ed will be along shortly to issue you your tags. <salute>
Really? Hmm. Well I'm used to it by now, I'm a rare breed. A girl who is a software engineer, plays video games and likes cars (all types but I love the Prius technology, down to the solar panel). I would have thought there'd be more girls with BP.
I'm a girl with a BP Prius. I would think that there would be more. I see lots of women driving BP Prius around town.
Very true! They should though! This forum has been a great source of information for me. Probably wouldn't have a Prius if I hadn't found this site!
This and the girls probably don't care as much about color and don't have a preference or won't pay extra for a special color. I was on the Mustang forum after I got my 2012, talk about few girls on a forum!
I see lots of women driving BP where I live, so they're out there. Maybe they aren't on car forums. Come to think of it, this is my first car forum. I did motorcycle forums and a truck (tractor trailer) forum before the car forum. Funny-- there were several women on those, though certainly not a majority. I can relate to being labeled "untraditional" with my love of motorcycles and willingness and ability to do stuff like drive tractor trailers and operate heavy equipment. You'd think I was shooting lasers out of my... eyes, what with those rare-in-women (ha!) attributes. People are funny when girls break the girly stereotype. I retain points for my love of kitchen gadgetry, though.
Kudos to you for all the non-traditional stuff you do as a woman! I would like to do some of those things too, at least enough (once or twice) to say I've done it and to experience it. My father never had sons and he didn't see a problem with having my sister and I do the same things he'd expect if he had a son and taught us to be pretty self sufficient, lessons for which I am very grateful now. I'm not familiar with kitchen gadgets other than a stand mixer, apple and hard boiled egg slicer. I would say I retain points for my love of quilting/sewing, but I can't sew squat by hand it's all on a fancy computerized machine.
I was raised similarly with a strong focus on self-sufficiency. My dad had me on a tractor in the field solo by the time I was 8, as well as in the woods with a gun. We were all expected to know at least basic maintenance and repairs on vehicles, equipment, home, whatever, and I can grow and hunt/shoot/dress just about anything. I guess we were preppers before it was cool. My parents were pretty hardcore about self-sufficiency, but like you, I'm grateful for the lessons which have served me well. I have never felt like there's anything I couldn't do because I was a girl, so I have always been a little taken aback when people react so strongly whether positive or negative or just amazement by doing so-called non traditional things. It doesn't seem so weird to me. I envy your quilting skills and fancy-pants machine. I can sew, but it's on an old basic machine and something I do more out of necessity than recreation. I would love to learn more about quilting. I can do very basic and unimpressive stuff, but nothing elaborate. My "girly" hobbies are that I'm a wannabe foodie kitchen nerd, and I can crochet just about anything. But I also do a bit of wood working, mostly small furniture pieces. Sorry for the hijack. Love the BP! It just sounds like we have a bit in common. Rock on!