What type of wax do you guys use? I have googled reviews on waxes and polishes till I'm blue in the face. I have always been a fan of paste type carnauba because it seems to bead water for a pretty good while. There's a heluva lot more choices now than the old days, from the old standby can of "Kit", to "lotion" types that go for upwards of 15.00-20.00 a bottle. I had a friend that used this spray on wipe off stuff that kept his car looking great but he was one of those anal types that probably applied it every weekend.
Google opti coat 2.0 Apply it, albeit properly is very important, and that's it. Unless you polish it off, it lasts and lasts and lasts beading water like no ones business. There are also many existing threads on here about what people use and posts about opti coat 2.0 from myself and others. Best way to search on here is use google and type in Priuschat and the the terms you are looking for.
Just polish with their polish and then apply the OptiCoat in small areas, wiping lightly over any product that hasn't flashed in 4-5 minutes with a microfiber. A good detailer will also apply it for those who aren't accustomed to detailing their own vehicles and once applied the only real 'maintenance' is washing the car. It doesn't wear off unless polished off so no reapplying every 3, 6 etc months like wax and even sealants like Zaino.
If it's a brand new car I'd stick with a sealant like Meguiars Ultimate Liquid Wax. I use this 6 monthly with a clay kit and it's easy and effective . I am putting off adding a traditional wax until the swirl marks and clear coat start to go : hopefully never ;-)
At one time I probably had over a dozen different "boutique" sealants and waxes on my garage shelves. Products from companies like Zaino, Four Star, Klasse, Blackfire, Pinnacle, Optimum, Poorboys, Chemical Guys, Wolfgang, etc.. After I tried a paint coating and saw what it looked like six months after application I gave away almost all of my waxes and sealants, and have never applied anything except paint coatings since then. I happen to use products from Gtechniq and 22PLE, but Optimum Opti-Coat and CarPro CQuartz Finest are fine products. Consensus of those whom I trust is that Opti-Coat 2.0 is the longest lasting coating, and CQuartz Finest (only available to pros) is the best combination of appearance and durability. There's nothing wrong with choosing to use a wax or sealant as long as you know the trade-offs you are making. Coatings require a level of surface preparation and cost that some people will find excessive. But you should be aware of all the available types of product before making a decision on what to put on your paint.