Hello, I purchased a 2004 Prius with 99k miles a couple months ago. We quickly discovered the cruise control didn't work. I have the service record from the previous owner and found the cruise control switch had been replaced at 48k miles. It seemed a little strange that it would have failed again so soon. Anyway, I downloaded the factory service manual and did most of the tests on pages 05-2700 to 2706 (at the time I didn't dig into the steering wheel far enough to check the spiral cable). Tests 2 and 3 were intermittently successful. The direct test of the switch itself (Test 4) showed no problem. The strange part about this initial testing was Test 5 - the short harness/connecter from the cc to the spiral cable. According to the manual my wires were reversed. A-3 was not connected to B-1, it was connected to B-3. And A-4 was connected to B-1. I asked the parts guy at the local Toyota dealer if this could be a typo in the manual. He didn't think it was (I probably should have asked one of the service people too). I talked to a more electronically knowledgeable friend about it and in the end switched the wires in the connector. For a few weeks the cc started working at about a 50% success rate. Now it's basically failed completely. I pulled the steering wheel off and did Test 6 for the spiral cable. It has infinite resistance on both circuits - total failure. So I obviously need a new spiral cable. But now Test 4 on the cc switch fails for the Cancel function. I know this was working a few weeks ago. Did it get fried by the spiral cable dying or is it related to switching the wires in the connector? Is the manual correct or not? I don't want to install a new spiral cable and cc switch with those wires reversed and potentially fry my new parts. It's probably not relevant but I also have a 12v battery drain issue... Thanks, Mike
If it was me and I just bought this car with your issue I would go to toyota.com/owners and join and check the vin for any dealer servicing particularly if the steering shaft tsb had been performed. Few posts here of the clockspring failing soon after that TSB was performed usually caused by the tech not affixing the wheel when removing the shaft allowing the steering wheel to turn more than 360 which will stress or damage the clockspring. If that TSB was recently performed you can feel certain the clockspring was damaged in the process. If that TSB was not performed I would get it done first with a bum clockspring and then install the new spring.
I know the TSB was performed on the steering shaft but I'm not sure about the timing. I'll have to check and see if it was done around the time of the first cc switch replacement... Thanks, Mike
Interesting...I got my steering shaft fixed a few months ago. I replaced a new clock spring last summer to rectify my cruise control problem. It worked. But now the cruise control is malfunctioning again. @mike...so what became of your cruise control problem?
Hi kammssss, Sorry for the slow response. I was backpacking and away from all modern conveniences for a while. My cruise control has been working flawlessly since I changed the clock spring. Hopefully it lasts! Mike
Behind the steering wheel. It’s the part that allows power to be transmitted between parts that are fitted to steering wheel (that spins) and the rest of the car.