Legacy Toyota (Tallahassee, FL)

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by troublemaker, Jun 7, 2004.

  1. troublemaker

    troublemaker New Member

    Jun 3, 2004
    Is this a good place to get a car repaired? I haven't found any review information about them online.
  2. Michael Maddox

    Michael Maddox New Member

    Apr 26, 2004
    Tallahassee, Florida USA
    I've found Legacy Collision to be top-notch (see the "Rear-ended in my Prius" topic, which I see you've already posted to). Really, really first-rate service and a wonderful, back-to-spec repair and paint job. They did what they could to determine what might be wrong with the car, but luckily, it was a very low-speed impact. You should give them a call (call the dealership and ask to speak to Legacy Collision--it's a different number). Tammy will tell you what you need to do. Don't accept any insurance company BS about taking it to their specified shops--take it to Legacy. My car was in and out in a day and a half. You'll be happy with it.

    I've not yet experienced the mechanics there at the dealership, but both myself and windsurfdog will most likely soon do so--we're nearing our first oil changes.

    Hope to see you around! I'm the silver 04 with the grey Prius decals, windsurfdog has a Tideland with tinted windows. Make sure to beep!
  3. troublemaker

    troublemaker New Member

    Jun 3, 2004

    Thanks so much for the information! I just love my little car so I was really upset when I got hit. I think I'll be much happier once a trusted mechanic looks at it and all necessary repairs are made.

    I have an aqua-colored "classic" Prius, but I think of it as a "new" car because I've only had it for 2 months and it has less than 10,000 miles on it (not for long though).