Began the plasti dip project on the wheels. Wasn't sure so tried black and looked bad so went with white. Been doing it at my leisure so 1 or 2 wheels at a time. Only one more left to go. Doing the center caps black though. Hoping to have done by Tuesday.
White Prii look pretty good with white wheels, I may have to do mine. How many cans per wheel did you end up using?
I just did mine in black (my prius is Magnetic Gray) and it only took one can for two wheels. I took mine off the car, used index cards to ring the wheel and protect the tire, although I'm sure it would peel easily if it got on the tire. When using this stuff maintain about 6 inches distance and don't soak the wheel in one coat. This stuff is very forgiving and very easy to work with, but you'll get tiny pinholes if you lay it on too thick in one coat.
About 1 can for 2 wheels. Don't forget to spray undernearth if you do it like me or roll forward alittle to get the bottom.
From doing this on several vehicles.....hints : remove wheel , tape valve stem , index cards or a deck of playing cards fit around the wheel tire gap , several coats if it is applied thin later it does not peel off as well or easy as it does when it is put on with several thin coats built up to a thick coat ...just my 2 cents worth of experience
I'll never do white again. Gets dirty too fast and stains. I've touched them up once or twice and clear coated since this original post. Current look