So after reading all the great things about the pulse and glide technique of driving, I decided to give it a shot. I drive about 35 - 40 miles a day and usually took the highway to work. After reading about pulse and glide, I mapped out a non-highway route with speed limts about 45 MPH. I have been driving this way for about a week and have noticed on the multi-function display that my bar graph for MPG is roughly 60 MPG! I was getting 48.8 before, but now I get around 60. What are you guys getting out there? I'm curious to see how the pulse and glide method is working out for others.
Comparing mpg must be tempered with other information such as location, terrain, weather conditions, etc. in order to put results into perspective. I have to believe that someone in Burlingame should expect different average gas consumption than somebody else in Wichita.
You can NOT believe the number on the display. While your mileage might be better, it likely is not THAT much better. The ONLY way to measure fuel mileage is to divide miles driven by the amount of fuel put into the tank (and even that has some room for error). It is not unusual for me to see displayed MPG numbers in the mid 60's and sometimes even 70........ but never for a full tank. That is high 40s or low 50s.
Mine is gen 3, but should be similar. I drive mostly city and get about 60MPG indicated with P&G. That translates to 55MPG at the pump. Hwy driving gives me mid to high 40's, very similar to yours. However, there is no question there is more wear and tear in city driving vs hwy driving if you have a choice.
with the bladder u have no idea how much gas u are using and how much more you are getting in because of warm weather, in cold the bladder does not expand as much. GOES BACK TO THE SAME THING,,,,, JUST DRIVE IT!
I'm no expert at pulse and glide but I am able to average about 60+ mpg on the display as long as things are not stop & go. I am trying to learn from someone who knows what they are doing so I can get even better. The strange thing is when I pulse and glide my calibrated ScanGauge II quickly ratchets up to about 10+ mpg higher than the display. Not sure what is going on there.
So,it's less better?more better? If one trip says 45mpg,and the next says 50mpg,then,it's THAT [5mpg] much better. steve.......
buddy,,, if u have gen 2 with bladder,,, a full tank with bladder one time will not be the same full tank amount the next time!, stop worrying about it unless it gets real low,, then u have concerns! but in cold weather ur mileage will go down,,, JUST DRIVE IT! ur trying to split hairs! for what reason? just tell everyone ur getting 50 mpg, most people really dont care, it just gives us a good feeling! and they are so sick of hearing about our goofy ugly cars! again JUST DRIVE IT! U can believe the instant mileage that is shown it is spot on the mpg u are getting at that moment on the fuel being used. the overall info is an indication of the past in a correlation with fuel used. to be honest who cares,,,JUST DRIVE IT! the bladder is the broken link it is not a fixed issue that needs to be your base to calculate accurate mileage JUST DRIVE IT!