OK.. So I'm trying to figure out a solar ventilation diy option.. Something like a dust buster attached to a tube to blow air out etc. Maybe not exactly but you get the idea, couldn't you blow air through the battery vent to exit the car? Thought?
someone used to sell a unit you put in the drivers window. it had a few fans and a small panel, you would roll the window down 5 or 6 inches, set it on top of the glass and roll it up to snug it up to the rubber. it was rainproof and ventilated the car as long as the sun was out. been quite a few years since i saw it, maybe you can fabricate something like that.
Those things are still available and do a respectable job for the price.....which wasn't a lot if I remember correctly.
Seems like I remember looking at those a few years back out of curiosity, but never purchased because so many owner reviews for the product were negative. Didn't sound like they were made well or very good quality. I'd be curious if any owners of that product..or one that fits it's description could chime in. I'd still be interested if anyone could prove to me they are a decent product. I've actually never seen anybody using one out in the real world. As far as a DIY project? Anything you could come up with, would seem to me to be a lot of work for potentially limited benefit. Admittedly the Northwest is not a scorched earth summer type of environment, but I get along fine even in the hottest stretch of Summer with a custom fit Sun Shade in the front window, and by cracking the windows when I leave. If I could get a pre-made product? That actually helped? I might consider it, but I don't know if I would even bother with launching a complicated DIY project that usurped or shared ventilation with other Prius components. But I am often astonished at the cleverness and ability of Prius Owners. If you do, do something, take pictures and let us know what it is...and exactly how it is working. I really have no suggestion outside of a general trepidation about sharing ventilation routes with other systems.
So it looks like several vendors are selling the same little fans for about $10 apiece. I suspect you would need at least two and maybe 4 to help much. BUT THEN.......you can also buy what appears to be the same exact thing for 25, 35 or even 45 bucks apiece. WOW. Now if you are serious about this, you might be able to get one of those $200 solar attic fans and adapt it to your sunroof. Them babies really pull a good amount of air !!!
I'm thinking something that forces air through the battery vent maybe.. A dust buster type motor would be perfect..