Something just doesn't seem right. I mention 18.5 EV miles in jest but it is a number that you can achieve. For me, I always get a little under 10 EV miles to work and 15-20 EV miles going home. The reason for the difference is because home is downhill and usually traffic slows to a crawl in the afternoons. You didn't mention what your commute is like but if you average neighborhood speeds, you could be getting 160 wh per mile. So even though you are getting more than the advertised EV distance, you could be going further if your battery accepted more electrons. iPhone ?
Everyone should note that the ChargePoint time includes 15 minutes after the charge is done before the CP station decides your car isn't charging anymore. Mike
Since I am using pay Chargepoint stations at work, I am out there ready to unplug the instant charging stops. In addition, it seems that if you stop the session with the smartphone app or web site, that also stops the clock right then.
same here - yesterday (and usually) I was there to unplug right when the PiP was full. As for my commute - its hilly here but offset by the fact that I'm not taking highways in fact I'm rarely over 40mph. It does sound like a few others are discovering their PiPs also are "full" after 2.4 and not 3.0 kWh as was previously considered normal
Update for anyone who's interested - temps don't impact this as much as we may have thought. Saturday I had to drive out of EV range for a track meet - left early so I could charge while having breakfast. Zero - to full and 60 degrees from Chargepoint : 2.381 kWh time 65:15 last week in 43 degrees : 2.326 kWh in 63:45 Getting same range, same estimate although I know the latter will be increasing now that its finally warm again So there are differences in PiPs