ahhh, I thought I was the only one! I got really piss off when my co-workers do that. The damn recycling bin is just couple inches away!!!
Yes, here in Oregon we have seen the timber industry yield a great deal of power and influence over Oregon politics with devastating effects. Now we have a situation where a good deal of polarization has taken hold, much like the nation. Clear-cutting (total removal of all standing things for hundreds of acres) has caused havoc but is viewed by the industry as “best practice forest managementâ€. I support multiple use forests but don’t take it with you when you leave. Trees need a hug.
burn it, to heat your home your water your hot tub your smokehouse what ever, don't leave standing dead timber for hundres of miles. It'll burn one way or the other. Edit: most wood furnaces have cat's in the stack nowadays so not so bad for the enviroment as it was decades ago.
i wouldn't say i'm a treehugger, but i do like to think i'm leaving a smaller footprint during my time here than others are. i'm going to be around long enough to experience some long-term consequences of the american "live big" attitude and probably see that attitude reluctantly changed. unless my feeling that i'll die at an unusually early age really does happen. i recycle what i can, i keep a small tree in the house (about 4 ft tall) because i can't plant it outside, i drive as little as possible. in college i only drove about 10 miles a week. now unfortunately things are different, so i did the next-best thing, got a hybrid. i'm not a nut, but i don't like to be wasteful. and i like breathing fresh air.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(darelldd @ Mar 7 2006, 01:47 PM) [snapback]221793[/snapback]</div> Hmm, seems we need a poll on what people think is a "tree-hugger". I always thought of that as someone who thinks what environmental effects their major purchases and actions would make, and probably contributes money and/or time to an environmental organization like the Sierra Club or Conservation International (not necessarily the more attention-grabbing groups like Greenpeace, Earth First! or PETA, let alone walking around with picket signs outside some global company headquarters). But when somebody who drives pure-electric vehicles and has solar panels on his house says he is not a tree-hugger, then obviously my feeling is not universal! Has a poll defining tree-hugger been done yet? I can see it ranging from "someone who recycles and tries to get decent gas mileage" to "hemp-wearing vegan who would rather see people starve than a seal be clubbed or a tree cut down". nerfer
I love trees. I plant, water, feed, and prune trees. If I think nobody's looking, I might give one a hug. (Did you know Ponderosa Pines smell like vanilla?)
Well in the Boy Scout Manual it says, to hug a tree if you are lost and say put. I like Daniel Boon have never been lost but I have "been a might confused for a few days once". Hexx Yes I am a tree hugger. Want to make something of it!!!
I drive a Prius and have a 3.2 PV system on the roof..of the house that is..haven't hugged a tree since 1976 though...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(fuelsipper @ Apr 3 2006, 10:49 PM) [snapback]234518[/snapback]</div> I have a 3.3 KW PV system and will take possession of my hybrid at the end of this month. The last time I hugged a tree was in Mount Ranier National Park 5/05.