Always Eating Horrible Smelling Food Not Showering on a Daily Basis Wearing the Same Clothes Until Foul Odor is Evident People Who Insist on a "Bite" of Your Sandwich People Who Eat in Their Cars Consistently Dirty Fingers (due to chips, grease, etc.) Eating Out of Cans Always Forgetting to Flush Obviously Mystery Squid has never gone on an extended backpacking trip where seven out of eleven are considered normal... OK, I stretched it a little, but I assumed you'd consider ziploc baggies equivalent to cans and the car is only available for eating when you finally get back and I cringe considering the adverse environmental impact of flushing a pit toilet... On a more realistic bend, you've neglected a wide range of far more disgusting habits than smoking, such as driving under the influence, child abuse, political pandering, genocide, scam artists, agressive driving on public roads, littering, people with the attitude "it's only a sin if you get caught" or "them with the gold make the rules" or "do unto others before they have a chance to do unto you" and 90% of the rest of the news in your morning paper. Me thinks you lead far too sheltered a life. Vince
OMG! I just realized in that last picture/link that I posted, that Angie is doing something most of us think is quite high on the 'dirty' list! Yes that's a cigarette in her hand. Ewww!! ETA: Sorry! I didn't mean to hit Edit!!! I thought I was creating a new post and the pics are gone now! At least Malorn quoted my post so it's still viewable in this thread.
Just today I walked into the IT department area and was hit with a rancid stinch. I said as much, "Gawd what's that sme-- oh, hey Roger." He's the biggest chain-smoker here. How do smokers not notice?
Now those ARE discusting habits! It was suggested to me today that Prius owners would be Democrats! Would Shrub drive one? Perhaps the suggestion is true. . . :lol:
You know when a guy walks out of the restrooms still zipping up their fly that they haven't even BOTHERED to wash their hands. That is just disgusting. Not just the not washing their hands thing, but you also have to know that they're disgusting pigs.
Unfortunately one can't help but wonder if these guys zipping their pants on the way out were doing more than just going #1. :blink: And it's really gross to think . . . if they would just go ahead and purposely piss all over their hands, they would be leaving the bathroom with cleaner hands – being that urine is sterile and all. [now where are those puke emoticons when you really need one] :huh:
Im a smoker dont like it well pfffffsssstttt But the wearing ones clothes till they smell did it for me lol, that would also mean if they wear the same clothing everyday till it smells then they are probibly not showering either and if they where showering every day putting on the dirty clothes would cancel out the point of the shower... The other is not washing after going to the restroom, gee ever wonder how many penises & butts & vaginas we touch every day opening doors? then you rub your eyes or nose or bite your fingernails? Mmmmm tastes & smells good? I used to hear of people sliding thier right hand through thier own sweaty butt crack then start shaking hands with people just to be mean ... (now thats sick).... :mellow: Or The other day I watched a woman pick her nose, i mean she pulled out an oyster (gag) looked at it then flicked it on the floor under her table (in a chik fil a)(thank god I had finnished eating) she didn't wash after that, who will she shake hands with later??
Earth to Priusguy, to most non-smokers, there is nothing worse than the smell of cigarette smoke, particularly stale smoke. You just can't smell it.
Yes that stale smokey death smell... Yea I quit for 2yrs I know the smell but I just dont think of it as dirty compared to everything else out there
Smokers never do think they are bothering anyone. Excess cologne is no better. As an asthmatic I can't count the times that I have had to move away from someone at the gym, a store or such because their cologne was making me ill. Bath, change clothes, avoid smoking.
Well My vote was for smoking, I wont even go anywhere where there is cigarette smoke... EVER.. However, One of the worst disgusting habits is people who go to the restroom and then dont wash their hands... Have you ever been in a public restroom and then go to THROUGHLY wash your hands and while you are scrubbing away some slob comes out of the stalls after taking a nasty crap and then heads straiht to the door, grabs the dorr handle and heads out without even giving a thought to washing his (or her) hands? Appalled by what you just saw, your go to dry your hands, and then head to the ddor to leave, wondering what to do as you know there is now poo and pee and all sorts of othr nasties all over the handle, so you end up rolling your sleeve over your hand like a mitten to open the door... As you walk out of the restroom there is like 20 people standing nearby wondering why your hand is covered up with you sleeve... That always makes my day! (and i speak from experience)