My prius has around 30k on it. We have had it for like 4 years now and obviously drive a lot less then other people do. Just did my recall at the dealer and they did a free inspection as well. According to them my brakes are at the 4mm mark and need to be replaced within the next 2-3k miles. That smells like BS to me... What's your experience and what do you think I should do? Much appreciated
It might be true, it's common practice at most shops to give free brake inspections now. You can bring it out to get a second opinion. Even at 4mm, you shouldn't have anything to worry about until your next oil change comes around.
Yeah, that doesn't sound right. We bought our Prius with 35k miles on it, just over 2 years ago, and put over 71,000 miles on it. It now has 107k miles and at the last oil change in January we had 8mm on the brake pads. I looked back at my service records and I am thinking it is a pretty subjective observation on their part. Our earlier brake checks said we were as low as 5mm and over time the pads actually increased in thickness . Kind of sad and scary actually. Are they going to say I need a complete brake system replacement next?
did you ask them why they would wear so quickly? there have been a few cases of early pad wear for some reason, but this is about as early as i've seen. take it somewhere where they will show you the measurement. you don't want them to get too thin or there will be rotor damage.
Take a tire off and measure it yourself. Sounds like they are trying to screw you. I have 81k miles and more than 5mm on each axle. I am thinking mine will need changing somewhere short of 150k mi.
I would get a second opinion, I also have had break pads grow lining so on one check they are shot, and the next they have plenty. I hate stealerships so I check my own. that way I actually know what they look like and helps me not fall for fake claims that something needs done to my car asap. my .02
Check it yourself, but make sure to check your inner brake pads as well, as the inner pads wear more than the outer pads. Sometimes the outer pads can be 6mm but the inner can be around 2-3mm
My 2010 has 110,000 and the brakes were checked by my mechanic. Brake pads were at 40 to 50 percent. NO REASON TO REPLACE ANYTHING. Get another opinion.
Every time I get service, the brake pads are 1 mm less then the last time. I have 20,000 on it and 9 months old. Mostly highway miles. I think it is a scam.
it must be frustrating to be a toyota dealer, lack of service work. should have opened a gm dealership...
that some good advice our toyota dealership is also the chevy dealer so they are busy selling toyotas and working on chevys
Smells like BS to me as well.. On my 2001 Classic, which actually used the brake pads a lot more than the new system did, at 160,000 km, the original pads were 85% of new, I replaced pads, rotors and caliper slides at that point due to rust: the brakes were so little used that things rusted up and the calipers were not releasing properly and dragging on the rotor.. At only 30,000, I would be extremely surprised if there's any noticeable wear on the brake pads..
The only reason that they would need replacement at this mileage is if the pads were seized in place due to rust on the clips. I am at 88k and I am down to 3.5mm on mine.