What's the charging priority? Charge up the plug-in battery first and then the standard traction battery? Or both charges at the same time? What's the best way to utilize the EV/HV mode? When to switch?
There is only one battery pack, separated logically. EV: 85-23% HV: 23-20% Switching between EV and HV depends on the route (distance/speed/slope/recharge opportunity/etc). What is your typical commute like?
Typical commute 19 miles one way. 1st few miles down grade and then normal local city street, and then highway with partial 20 mph traffic. So unless it's cold I usually just run EV from the start and then switch to HV when I hit the highway. And then EV again when stuck in traffic. By the time I get to work I have about 5 miles left on the EV battery. After lunch it's all gone. Averaging only about 49 mpg right now, but I do have a lead foot, average speed on the freeway is 75-85 mph.
With that same lead foot, what were you averaging in your 2013 Prius 3? EDIT: wait, let me guess.. 41MPG? sorry, missed your sig
I should have mentioned, the plug in purchased in April currently have... 17" TRD plus wheels, sway bar, TRD lowering springs, strut tower brace, under brace, HID headlight, LED parking light, LED interior lights, tinted windows, shark fin, clear bra, leather seat cover next. Pretty much all the same upgrade as the 2013 Prius 3.
As mentioned in another reply, there is only one big battery (plus the 12V auxiliary battery). The software manages it either in hybrid vehicle (HV) mode (like a regular Prius) or Electric Vehicle (EV) mode, depending mainly on its state of charge. The Plug-in prototype had two physical batteries, and sometimes people stumble across old web pages referring to them, and get confused.
In Southern California (ok, more like Orange County), NOT driving 75-85 on the freeway is a danger to other drivers (i.e. you are an obstruction)
Quite new to the PiP. I've been using my ~12.9 mi of EV for the first and last parts of the trip at low speeds, and when stuck in traffic. I try to use up all but .1 EV mi to destination which has a Chargepoint. Not a pro, not a road obstruction and not a hyper-miler. I've seen nearly 79 MPG displayed for a 42 mile trip - which is more than 25% higher than the expected 50 MPG, so I guess I'm doing OK.
good question, if my ice has already been running, i try to use up as much of the hv battery as possible before reaching my charging destination.
I'm guessing that the poster likes to roll into town and the Chargepoint station without the ICE running one last time. I used to do that occasionally...
It's only one smallish air-cooled Li-Ion battery pack, on the current PiP. The separation is an illusion.
You never miss an opportunity to belittle and downplay. It says a lot about how much competition Prius actually poses. Keep the endorsements coming...
My vote would be to ban the guy. He does not contribute anything to this forum, only negativity. He clearly feels self conscious about his car, otherwise he wouldn't be here. I feel no need to go to the Volt forum and belittle their car.
"Just the facts, ma'am". It's not two batteries, correct? Just answering the OP, trying to help? Smallish is fine if you only need 6-12 miles, or whatever the current spec is, and don't mind the effects of hot climates. How is this offensive?
That doesn't make it right. Just because everyone drives 20 miles over the speed limit just means the CHP are not doing their jobs.