Not sure how this stuff is much different from the spray urethane foam you get at the hardware store.
Only problem with the hardware store urethane foam is that it might not be designed for automotive use and migh not meet flammability standards for such application.
The stuff they use in homes can end up giving off nasty gases, for protracted periods. There was a CBC MarketPlace show on this. They also reported the majority of applications are ok (or the off-gassing is very minimal, limited duration). The show is not the most in-depth though, and they didn't spell out why some applications would off-gas. You can watch it on podcast. Anyway: the Prius is the first car we've had that didn't have that (heady) new car smell, apparently due to more organic materials in the interior plastics. Just my 2 cents: I'd be inclined to not spray it full of iffy stuff.
Good point. I would be much more inclined to the stuff made in Sweden, and most of Europe, where there are strict RoHS (reduction of hazardous substances) standards on everything sold on the market. The Noxudol stuff is water based, so there will NOT be releasing that many hydrocarbons into your car's closed environment. Contrary to the so call anti-government "conservative" lobby on regulations, some are good, when they restrict unscrupulous big business profiteers from risking the health of citizens by pushing bad products. These are the same people who call Europeans "leftist socialist." The same anti-Government regulation people in West Virginia asked "where was the EPA, when than chemical was spilled into the river that affected their drinking water?"
If I were spraying the underbody of my car with something approved for household use, I wouldn't be losing any sleep over whether it had hypothetical toxicity risks. There's no risk analysis in avoiding a name. You can't live in fear of everything that sounds dangerous, but isn't.
The NOXUDOL stuff is for inside the car use. Outside, automotive undercoating is a much cheaper and better alternative. However, undercoating should only be applied to dried and hardened rustproofing. The home expanding foam stuff crumbles and flakes with age. I have it under my deck.