it's not much, vary you're highway speeds for the first 500 or 1,000 miles and don't slam the brakes to the floor. not like the old days.
it doesn't really specify speeds but generalizes instead. Don't keep it at one speed for too long, forget the cruise control and avoid full throttle take-offs.
Thanks! I never really used cruise control before as I had only had manual transmission cars and was afraid to use cruise control with them. It'll be interesting not being the first person off the line at traffic lights, I loved that about the Mustang.
You will find you can still be the first off the line in many cases. The Prius has surprisingly good take off power from 0 mph to say 20. You can even bark the tires if you want lol. The great thing about an electric motor is that 100% of the torque it can produce is available at zero rpms. You will find the Prius has plenty of power to do the job.
Nice! In test drives I never tried that, I didn't want to hurt the car. Speaking of test drives, when I go to pick up my car should I drive it before signing anything? Also anything I should make sure is done/checked or what not before driving it off the lot? Would the 2014 have already had the recall done?
I would test drive it and look it over carefully. It's being brought to the dealership by a 17 year old who just wanted to get out of work for the day. The recall will have been done as they can't sell it until it is.
That's what I'm afraid of, is that it's some kid who just wants to have a "fun" day at work and drive a car to another dealership. I will check it over with a fine tooth comb.
When I took delivery of my car, I took it for a short test drive. I noted the mileage during the drive and battery readings. When we got back to the dealership, before I signed any papers, I went over the body of the car, noting scratches and where the 3M was misaligned and needed replacement. I went over the inside of the car and found some oil/dirt residue on the Softex seats, front and back. While I was signing my paperwork, the salesman had all these taken care of and I was given a spotless car upon delivery. My advice would be to take a friend or someone you trust who has no emotional attachment to the car to help you look it over. You'll be excited and more likely to miss something. A couple things I wish I had taken care of while I had the dealership under my thumb: - If you don't like the backup beep, have them take it off before signing paperwork. They're charging me to take it off now, so I've just gotten used to have it. - Look closely at the speedometer display. A lot of people, myself included, see a ghost of the display behind it. I don't believe that there is any kind of solution and Toyota says that it's just the nature of the glass (or something) but see if you can get the dealership to further reduce the price on that or if they know of a solution if you see it in your car. It apparently is not on every car and also depends on the angle which you're looking at it. -If you see a dealership logo on the car itself, you can have them easily remove it. Mine just had a license plate frame which I didn't mind.
You might want to consider a 4, it would give you softex seats, power driver seat, heated seats, leather steering wheel etc might be worth the extra money and be easier to find.
Thanks! That's very helpful. I am very particular and will be checking it out very well. I'm short on people to help right now due to their own personal issues and schedules. I might be able to get one person to come with me. The backup beep probably won't bother me since I'm used to back up sensors in my Mustang that beep constantly. But I'll definitely pay attention to the Prius backup beep. I hate the dealership logos, I want to have that removed for sure! This one does stickers. Thanks for the suggestion. I did purchase the Three last night. They found one with the features I want in my price point. The Fours are just too much to get the sunroof and solar panel.
DrPepper, You should def thoughtfully consider having them turn off the back up beep. Maybe it doesn't bother you but, to me, it is the most irritating and unnecessary thing every. It only beeps inside letting the driver know you're backing up. There is no doubt I would have them turn this off.
I've heard it before. I guess I'll have to pay closer attention to it when I take delivery. I'm thinking of the Mustang backup sensors that beep intermittently to let you know how close an object is but the Prius backup just beeps at a steady interval to let you know you're in reverse doesn't it?
Yes, as soon as you shift to reverse it sounds like you're driving a dump truck (but only on the inside of the car).
Yes. (I do recall though hearing a second, more urgent, beeping sound in reverse when I seemed to be just about to hit something. That is probably a backup sensor. Not sure if the backup warning beep's frequency increases the closer you get, which would be useful. The range on it didn't seem too impressive since it seemed like I was really about to hit an obstruction.)
Haha! That analogy made me laugh. Okay, I'll pay attention to it and get them to remove it. How long does it take to remove that sound? Is it just a programming thing or stuff they actually have to do?
It should take the tech about 3-4 minutes to turn it off. Max of 15. They can do it while your doing your paperwork. I (me personally) would have them turn off the seat belt beeper as well but, that is controversial on here. Many will say "I know how to turn it off (seat belt beeper), wear your seat belt". I say, I do wear it but sometimes put it on as I'm driving and don't like to hear the beeping sound "EVER" lol.
I like the seat belt beeper. I do wear my seat belt all the time but I still like the beep, lets me know if someone else isn't wearing theirs and with kids that would be helpful. The backup beep I might get them to remove, I will see how I like/dislike it today, if my car is ready.