Green HOV Stickers Depleted By the time you read this Dealer Alert, DMV's inventory of 40,000 green HOV stickers for plug-in hybrid vehicles is completely gone. Since existing law does not allow DMV to issue additional green stickers, Assemblymember Muratsuchi has introduced AB 2013 which if it becomes law, will increase the number of green stickers that the DMV is authorized to issue. <note from Dianne: this bill's been shot down several times> CNCDA will notify our members if AB 2013 is passed, but until this legislation is adopted dealers SHOULD NOT ADVERTISE or promise the availability of any future green stickers to avoid potential legal liability. DMV's announcement does not affect white HOV stickers which are issued for all-electric, CNG, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Dealers may still obtain these in advance for eligible vehicles in their inventory.
Thank you Dianne for the information! I know you gave plenty of heads up to us to buy while they are still available.