how do you hook into all those codes and stuff on your Prius? will it work over bluetooth on my ipadmini?
The OBD scans would take a special cable or bluetooth sensor to plug into your Prius's data port. I doubt any cable would work with an iPad, but a BT sensor will. One option is BlueDriver by Lemur. See at this link I have not tried it so I cannot comment on how it works. There are several fuel/mileage tracking apps available for the iPad. I don't know of any that can connect directly to your Prius. However if you use Fuelly on the internet, then GasTracker+ will connect directly to Fuelly and allow you to update it via your iPad or iPhone. I use it on my iPhone and add the fill up information while still at the gas pump.
ohhh ok. thanks. i didnt know what that fuelly was. i wanted my c1 to have all the fun goodies too. i didnt want to drive around with some scan tool plugged into a data port and wires hanging out all over. i thought there was like a rpm app too to supplant mmy dash. water temp would by useful for instance. actual voltage(s) too