The Prius is too Big and Powerful

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by Tempus, Jun 7, 2004.

  1. Tempus

    Tempus Senior Member

    Feb 17, 2004
    Washington DC
    2004 Prius

    'Greener' car not green enough for Fitzsimons


    New hybrid petrol-electric cars their makers say are greener don't impress the Green Party's Jeanette Fitzsimons enough to ditch her battered old Mitsubishi Mirage.

    She'd rather stick with her cream-coloured 1986 Mirage - which has now done 230,000km.

    The Greens co-leader outlined her thoughts after being asked by a party member about Toyota's new Prius petrol-electric hybrid car during the party's annual conference at the weekend.

    Ms Fitzsimons says she will stick with her 1300cc Mirage because the Prius and a Honda Civic hybrid car also on the market take the efficiency gains from the technology to boost the car's performance rather than save fuel.

    The Prius, launched in NZ last year, is being marketed as one of the world's cleanest and greenest cars and now there's a three-month waiting list.

    Recent oil price rises have also spurred interest in such vehicles. The hybrid system uses spare power from the engine and the rolling motion of the car itself to generate supplementary electricity which can then either be used immediately or stored.

    Ms Fitzsimons says hybrid petrol-electric cars are a good initiative and are not like full electric cars which need power from the grid - which usually means burning coal.

    But while she would "love" to eventually buy a hybrid car, she intends waiting for a smaller model. Her Mirage has lasted because it has been run on CNG for much of its life, although CNG is no longer available. Despite being "a wee bit shabby", it has continued to be efficient because she has kept it well-tuned.

    * Firefighters are now being trained how to recognise hybrid electric-petrol cars, so they do not electrocute themselves by rushing to disconnect the batteries in emergencies.

    The Fire Service's hazardous substances adviser, Tony Haggerty, says the usual practice of disconnecting the batteries could prove lethal on hybrid vehicles with 300-volt direct-current power packs.

    Their electricity charges took about five minutes to dissipate, so firefighters were being taught to treat them with caution.



    1) Nice to have alternative views.

    2) If she wants smaller and less powerful, a used '01 could work?

    3) How the heck much more pollution is she going to put out with an 200K+ Mile '86 Mirage while waiting for a sufficiently green car to appear? Whoa.
  2. bookrats

    bookrats New Member

    Mar 12, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    Maybe she hasn't got enough money to buy a new car, and is embarassed to admit it.

    Otherwise, I'm hard-pressed to know why she isn't looking at a Honda Insight.
  3. mdacmeis

    mdacmeis Member

    Mar 30, 2004
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Another person in a so called position of influence making statements which lack logic, foundation, or merit.
  4. tms13

    tms13 Member

    May 25, 2004
    Lochcarron, UK
    2017 Prius Prime
    Business Ed. Plus
    There's no point buying a new vehicle when you have one that works well enough - the manufacturing process has an environmental cost and until the existing car is uneconomic to maintain, it's probably better to keep running it. Re-use is better than recycling is better than manufacture from new, as they say.

    As to "boosting the car's performance", well, mpg is one aspect of performance, as is emissions. I'm fed up of hearing that performance is only about speed, power, and torque. All five of the above are important - but in different proportions to different people, depending on their needs and values. If a Prius is too big or too small for your needs, get something different, or stick with your current vehicle. Or wait a couple of years, when there will probably be a bit more choice of hybrid (and second-hand Prii will be cheaper - something us early adopters are resigned to).

    On the unrelated footnote, "Firefighters are now being trained how to recognise hybrid electric-petrol cars, so they do not electrocute themselves by rushing to disconnect the batteries in emergencies." If they didn't know it's a hybrid, all they would disconnect would be the 12V auxilliary battery, wouldn't it? The only danger being that if the high-voltage cutoff hadn't worked (unlikely, I know), they may incorrectly assume they'd disconnected everything. I'm surprised they disconnect 12V batteries as a matter of course, given the risk of sparks where there may be fuel vapour.
  5. Marg

    Marg New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
    Eastern Ontario, Canada
    Just out of curiosity, I checked the Honda New Zealand website. The Honda Insight does not seem to appear there. I wonder if the Insight is even available there. Although New Zealand is closer to Japan than we are, the fact that they are such a small market might limit the choices available to consumers there.

    Unfortunately for the person interviewed for this article, it seems like most new hybrids coming out in the next couple of years are even bigger than the Prius. She might have to wait a long time before something she likes become available.
  6. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Ms. Fitzsimons, being a radical environmentalist, will want the smallest, most efficient, and yet clean car possible. Imagine the Insight, but with Toyota's HSD. The problem is that no car company, not even Toyota, makes cars to save the planet. They make cars to sell. And until more people adopt Ms. Fitzsimons's willingness to make do with less for the good of us all, the car she wants is not likely to be available.

    The '04 Prius is such a smashing success because it is the greenest full-size sedan available, and yet it makes no compromises on space and power. Even the price is not a compromise, when you assess the features and the quality

    Mea culpa! I could have bought an Insight. I call myself an environmentalist. I really do want to help the environment. And I could have gotten by okay with an Insight. I would not have been able to carry the things I sometimes need to carry, but I could have gotten by one way or another. But, I guess I am not that much of an environmentalist.

    Too many people like me is why Ms. Fitzsimons cannot find the car she wants on her local car lot.
  7. bookrats

    bookrats New Member

    Mar 12, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    That's an excellent point -- I should have taken that into account before criticizing her. (As someone who has kept his car for 18 years, I'm a firm believer in that principal, too!)
    There were a number of news reports (with a lot of misinformation in them) being distributed a month ago, playing up alleged worries by emergency personal about hybrid cars, particularly the Prius. Further articles showed that this was not a concern of most emergency response folks, but the initial articles got distributed widely.

    Here's the PriusChat thread about those reports.
  8. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Actually, if they don't know the Prius well, wouldn't they pop the hood and not even be able to FIND the 12V to disconnect it?
  9. richard schumacher

    richard schumacher shortbus driver

    Mar 27, 2004
    United States
    2004 Prius
    "Better is the enemy of good." - Voltaire
  10. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    no one that i know of drive the Prius purely for the gas mileage. we drive it because it is the cutting edge technology in the auto industry that is available TODAY. sure hydrogen is a better alternative. so go get one. but if you think the wait is long for a Prius, you aint see nothing yet!

    As for loyalty to her car, all power to her! We need to get away from the right and wrongs of conservation here and focus on the results. She is driving a car that gets great gas mileage and that is what really matters. Sure an electric would be a better way to go, but the fact is, she is doing a hell of a lot more to preserve the environment that nearly everyone else in this country. Just because she was lucky enough to get a car that lasted should not be a reason to ridicule her decision. I know of a few people who were working as couriers in San Francisco that swore by the Chevy Sprints. (well i drove a few of them because i didnt have transportation at the time and i most swore AT them but to each his own.) I would never spend any of my money to buy one, but you have to admit, the 45 mpg was very attractive. and they held up very well in what i consider one the most toughest tests you can put an automobile through. (10-30 deliveries a day on the hills of SF)