Just was wondering if anybody has experience with installing Illuminated Door Sill from Toyota (T922-47100). My concern is about the T-Tap that is used to tap to existing electrical wire. I have no experience with such device, so I'm wondering it might actually cut the wire eventually. Also wanted to find out if it's worth the money? It sure looks cool in the picture. How hard is it to do it your self? Thanks.
It sucks that our $33,000 doesn't have it. I remember that my $22,500 OTD 2010 Prius had it. Imo it's not worth the money because you only see it for 5-30sec maybe 6 times a day depends on your use but it does feel more solid and more rugged than the cheap plastic pieces that are currently present. They really aren't noticeable during the day at all. In the end of the it comes do to your choice. Good Luck Btw this thread should be in mods section for general prius right?
Thanks for your input. I wanted PiP drivers opinion. Cause we all know that we are so much better than them Yeah... I said it