All other doors lock and unlock except drivers door. The drivers door can only be locked unlocked manually with your hand. Any suggestions.
If they don't fix it. Remove the door panel and make sure that the locking mechanism is still connected. Based on my experience, either the wire came disconnected at the locking mechanism (most likely case) or your door lock solenoid went out (least likely case).
You could, also, check the fuses. I'm not sure if the doors are single set on fuses (usually not), I haven't checked the manual on this, yet as I haven't had an issue.
Took car to dealer, Not under warranty $600.00 to replace actuator. What a rip. Searching eBay now for replacement.
Update replaced the small motor in the door lock actuator took about 1.5 hours to fix. Cost a whopping 5.50 on ebay I will post pictures later. By the way dealer wanted 600.00 to replace. Here is the picture of the door broke down and a picture of the little motor.
Reason for non-warranty by Toyota? Mileage over 36,000? Certainly not because the vehicle is over 3 years old.
From the way my dealer explained it to me if you do not buy the extended warranty your pretty much on your own after 36000 miles. Exception being internal motor (engine) problems or the charging system (Battery etc.). Most all the parts on this car are bolt on so pretty simple.
I had a drivers door that was not sensing my hand on the door handle ( PIP ) so used the manual control on the remote several times, that fixed it. Same thing on left rear window, would not actuate from drivers position. So I pressed the window button several times at the rear door. This fixed the control from the driver position. Wierd ?
I'm guessing that your door sensor was on the drivers door? If so, sounds like you have a loose connection somewhere in your door. It might have fixed itself enough that it works, for now. But it might be worth pulling the door panel off and seeing what's inside.