Hey guys, just picked up my black 06' Prius on the weekend and it's awesome Slightly annoyed that the upper model was out of my price range, I'm deciding to investigate how hard an "i-tech" conversion would be on a few components. Not sure if i-tech is a global term, so if it's not, it's basically just: - Upgraded center display (with bluetooth and GPS - matching steering wheel controls) - HID lights standard (may look aftermarket for this) Not a standard feature - Side/roof airbags (opposed to just the front two I currently have) - Smart entry system - Bit fancier blue gear selector/power button (I think.. not 100% on this one) There's probably more features, but they're the main ones off the top of my head. First off I want to try and install the Nav center display and steering wheel, some sources say that the plugs from the loom are the same, others say they're different. Would anyone know if the wires are already pre-run through the dash to steering wheel/appropriate ECU(s)? Or if before I even thought about this kind of mod I'd have to install new wires and run them and such. Also, from some reading around, I've heard that the CAN-bus system does not like being changed. Ie. HID's and Headunits. Would anyone be able to share their opinion on CAN-bus warning cancellers? Thanks
Hi Damo. cant say much about your chances of doing all of these changes, at reasonable prices anyway. it would likely be much cheaper to just have bought the itech to begin with. also, i have an 06 iTech, and it DOES NOT have HID's. they may have been an option however. if you want bluetooth and GPS etc, cheaper to go with something live the Pioneer / Alpine/ kenwood / JVC double din system. the other things i think will be too difficult / expensive to achieve. Jason.
Thanks for the reply Jason! Haha after looking at the prices of these parts I expect it not to be cheap, but I also dont plan to do all the iTech upgrades (especially the smart key system and airbag install). But a bit of mucking around getting the GPS and steering wheel controls to work properly sounds like a fun challenge, if it's humanly possible without pulling the entire loom out and swapping it.. or cutting it :| I have considered a nice double din and have already checked out wiring options. I like this option, maybe one day I'll spluge and spend 1k+ on a nice GPS double din head unit in place of the standard "head unit". Cheers for clearing that up with the HIDs, I'm not sure if they were an option or I'm just imagining things.. Damo.
When I got my 06 back in 2010 I was lucky it had all those features you listed (Package #7 I believe) at $14k. The one feature I still love about my 06 is the smart key system. You wish all cars had this standard (especially luxury cars that don't!) But retrofitting the system might not be worth the time and $$$. I'm sure that you can pickup a upgraded steering wheel with the controls and get an adapter to connect to an aftermarket headunit that would have GPS and Bluetooth. You'd probably get BT audio streaming as well, something my Prius lacked when I got it. Honestly a double din with the stock Prius display is just a good combination. Two screens for the win! The only thing I've heard about the power button is swapping it for a TRD version, which basically makes it a red button SGH-I317 ?