Ah if I only I had the foresight in 2010 to suck it up and buy a hybrid then for the plates. I could use 66 access these days. But I was actually a carpooler then for the sake of the Dulles Toll Road backups, and my Civic had 150-160k on it and no sign of issues, so I didn't want to buy a new car. The plate still provides me value on the DTR in the evening, and I just have to get to work a bit early everyday so I can get off I-66 in the morning before 6:30. I do wish I didn't have to pay this dumb hybrid fee next month. I get to pay it right before it apparently goes away.
Sorry Vic about the lack of HOV and the $64 hybrid fee, which was repealed but not until July 1. I am working on a fix, but chances of success are very iffy. Believe we should lower car taxes to help spur sales, and require plug-ins (maybe hybrids better than 45 MPG) onto HOV. HOV-2 for HOT lanes (currently HOV-3). The whole idea is spurs sales of cars which get better MPG not just plug-ins, and not for any reason except get people into newer cars for the economy. I have submitted plan to Gov's transportation office.
IIRC, you may have been instrumental in getting the $64 hybrid tax removed after July of this year, and if so I and the other Prius owners in Virginia owe you a "thank you".
Thank you Robert. However, I don't think my actions helped too much for VA. Crazily many of my local politicians (even Dems) were supportive of the fee. The fee was rushed through without adequate study and they did not even discuss with the Virginia Auto dealers assoc, so in hindsight it was a bad plan and came under fire from many sides. But I tried to make a big enough stink so no other states would try it (all quiet on the western front).
Odd, NC legislators are now considering a pay by mileage tax bill as contrasted with pay by value or pay by gallons used. As they refuse to raise taxes to fund repair of the roads we use from the traditional income tax and corporate tax sources, they must get the cash from somewhere. And as all cars MPG goes up....
BEV's in NC now pay a $100 fee yearly for the pleasure of using our roads. Luckily, a similar hybrid bill was defeated before it was passed. Just a matter of time, I guess.
Anyone try to replace a old style plate with a replacement that was also old style? E.g., if you are in an accident and the plate is messed up can DMV still make the old style plates? Any special contact at DMV or trick to making sure that they don't screw it up?
I guess you're saying we're allowed to replace the VA HOV plates if they get beat up, and you are concerned if the paperwork gets screwed up you could be out of luck on HOV. I have no HOV plates but some here do...if someone does not get back to you I can give you name to PM. Guess you could call or email your delegate to ask them. The email addresses are online...I pretty much wrote to them all to help get the hybrid fee removed last year.