This wasn't my best MPG tank,Just best Miles per tank.I made it a goal some time a go and i finally had the courage to push it through . I drive a 2011 Lexus ct200h with 17" wheels . I've owned it since 7/11 and have 56k on it .Weather has been great ,between 80 and 105 .I drive 50/50 split daily commute is 100 miles a day. I know I can do better,just need to learn better techniques.I currently drive like I have no brakes , I try to maintain a constant speed and good foot pressure .try to use the glide mode , where i use no battery and fuel engine My fuel light comes on about 430 miles,so i went 170+ miles with the light on.I put 10.91 gallons in.
I'm working on the 600 mile tank. Filled up yesterday. 528.3 miles, 9.779 gals, 54.03 mpg. Stock tires with recommended PSI. I'm still looking for something I don't like about this car but have yet to find it.
OK. 2 weeks of Prius ownership and already hit 600 miles. This is partial hypermiled and part not. I have a 38 mile commute down a 70mph hilly interstate. Plenty of town to offset. Stock 15" wheels without covers Stock 18k mile avid tires Some a/c but mostly windows. I live in southwest Va. Plenty of hills Drove for around 30 miles after the flash.
Here is my 600 miles, Mostly hwy with cruise control,stock 15" wheels and tires,Blinking light was 82 miles [/URL][/IMG]
Good too see others breaking into the 600 mile range with me this week! Here's my second tank of gas. 600.4 miles, fill up was 10.262 gallons. I haven't looked through the whole thread, am I the closest person to 600 miles? Stock 15s. Commute 45-50 miles round trip depending on which route I take (based on traffic.) Rarely use AC, and when I do it's at 4 bars for a few minutes, then 2 bars for a few minutes, then 1 bar the rest of the time. Temperature setting usually between 72-76. I try to never go into the PWR zone. Tire pressure at whatever was set at the dealership, I actually haven't checked it. I picked up the car 4 weeks ago today. Miles to empty was at 551 miles. Blinking light was at 26 miles until empty if I remember correctly. Calculated MPG: 58.5. Computer MPG: 62.3. First tank was 569 with a 9.9 gallon fill up so I knew I could stretch it to 600 with the same type of driving. First tank calculated MPG was 57.7 and computer MPG was 62.2.
Awe man! The 20th entry in the spreadsheet has "60.8 MPG" Trying to keep it a top 20 list. Bob Wilson
Made it. Had some odd driving condition for the days I made it. Cooler weather made for no A/C except for a couple of afternoons. I do about a 20 mile commute with half of it on the interstate. The interstate has been very slow this past month so the speeds have been about 40mph. Worked perfect once I was at speed i could coast and do EV most of the time. Could have done better if it wasn't for weird stops once in a while and up hill accelerating from time to time. Did the coasting on off ramps and the in town driving was a good few days to help me round it out last night before the fill up. The warning flash start about the 500 mile part. I have 17" tires and the pressures are about factory specs or a touch over a pound or so. The actual fill up was 10.61 gallons or 56.6mpg. I am usually off by about 2 mpg so that was interesting it was that near to the dash. May be off a bit between where the actual fill up ended on the 2 tanks making it more true. At least I made it. Now to look at making the 700 mark.
Made it on my third tank. 600 miles with computer read out of 61.1 mpg. Filled up with 10.505 gallons, first click at 10.125. Calculated at 57.2 mpg. First tank was from dealer at roughly 47, second tank was 52.7 mpg. Happy with the steady improvement, largely due to reading these forums. My normal commute is fairly short, 7 miles and about 15 min so in mornings I can get usually 58mpg and about 65 in the afternoon. It's also smack in rush hour so it's hard to really play the hypermile game. I play gigs on the weekend and that involves some interstate so that becomes tricky. I've started using secondary roads to take advantage of SHM but those roads are plagued with enough traffic lights to really prevent maxing out that potential. So maybe I'll see if I can travel at 60 on the interstate, though in South Florida that presents its own risks. I'm amazed at what effect that instant feedback on efficiency has on my driving. I feel like I'm being scolded when a trip comes under 55mpg. A blinking "failure" dash light should be included on the next gen. Or maybe a verbal lashing from the on board computer.
But once you two lovebirds are MARRIED, then all bets are off! I keep a gas can in that black bin storage area just above the spare tire so that when we run out of gas DW and I can walk to the next gas station singing , "Well, we ain't got a barrel of money, And maybe we're ragged and funny, But will travel along Singing this song Side by side."
Hi everyone I consistently make more than 1000Km (621miles) with warm weather. The best tank was this: In US units, these are 657.7 miles, 61.9 mpg, 21.1 mph. I monitor the fuel efficiency of every trip, recording more than 100 engine and car parameters through OBD2. I try to keep ICE RPM as low as possible and use 2.8Kg/cm2 (41.1 PSI) pressure in my 15in Bridgestone original tires. Last tank, two days ago, was very close to the best: In US units, 652.0 miles, 60.3 mpg, 16.8 mph. In the spritmonitor register you can see some parameters (like average trip distance, time and ambient temperature) for every tank as notes. In the last tank they were: DTC clr: 40695Km 65535min; Average Trip: 11.31Km 0:24:41 ; Average Parked time: 8:27:21 ; Average Trip Ambient Temperature: 18.9ºC ; Average Start HybBattVolt: 216.5Volts ; Average A/C power: 3Watts. The HSI indicator is 7% to 8% short in fuel consumption, and the gas pump tells me every time. For example, in the last tank the fuel used using HSI indicator was 1049.3 * 3.9 /100 = 40.92 liters, but the gas pump reading was 44.23liters, 8% more. Big Hugs from Frank
A picture of your HSI display with the required number of miles: View attachment 64157 A description of your techniques (doesn't have to be exhaustive) and conditions I Used cruise control on flat stretches between Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, and Ohio, but shifted to manual control to avoid the PWR band in the hills on the western section of the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Also drafted slow-moving semis where available. I filled up with eight gallons of non-ethanol gasoline at Del's in Lake Geneva, which may have helped. Time of year Cool spring days on 24-25 April, 2014. Temps in the 40s and 50s, and some bodacious headwinds on the the 24th and moderate rain on the 25 seemed to decrease the mpgs. How long you ran on the blinking low-fuel warning light Started blinking at 525, so we ran about 75 miles with it flashing. DW was nervous after an hour of that and started reading the "fuel warning" sections of the owner's manual, so we compromised by bailing from the turnpike at mile 590 onto a 4 lane local road with plenty of gas stations in case we ran out. Marriage still intact and DW even took the documentary picture above. Wheel and tire setup Stock OEM Avid tires, but tire pressures at set at 40 psi front, 38 psi rear. DW hopes this is the end of it, but I say, "On to the 700-mile club!" But for 700, I think I will need summer-formula gas, higher ambient temps, and a tail wind would not hurt!
Congrats Robert! I've found a quick way to determine your MPG is to multiply the Cons by 10 and that will give you a pretty accurate indication of how far you can drive on ~10.5 gallons of gas. I would have guess that you could have driven 612 miles on 10.5 gallons. Since you filled up at 602 miles, that would be about ~0.2 gallons of gas @ 61.2 mpg. I'm going to estimate that you took between 10.3 and 10.4 gallons of gasoline on your fillup. Assuming you get a full tank - you need to show an average of 66 mpg on your cons to have a reasonable shot at 700 miles. (you can do it with 65 showing, but you are cutting it very close). Basically 11x your Cons screen = fumes (or empty).