Problem solved! I drove the car for 0.5 mile, made a left turn, the triangle and check engine lights on. Found no fuel, and HV battery only one bar. Car slowly stopped. Added a gal gas, try to start. Light on dash on, but engine not running. I'm waiting for friends to jump charge 12v battery. Will that work? Are there ways to "restart" the computer on the car? Thanks! Allen
If the car had run out of fuel, one gallon of added fuel is not sufficient. You need to disconnect the 12V battery for a few minutes so that the fuel gauge is forced to reset. Then, if the car has no other problems, it should start.
Thank you Patrick! You quick response is right at the point. I filled 1.2 gal, disconnect battery for 4 min, restart, failed, restart again, works! This is the first time I run out of gases on Prius. Looks like the HV battery also used up. Hopefully it has less impact on its longevity. Thanks again! Allen
i ran out one time cold winter nite, when i was a teen, over 30 years ago, girl i was with was diebetic, she almost died! the half way mark has been my empty mark! i learned my lesson the difficult way as a young person! never never ever run out of gas in this car!
How low are you running it? I get gas fairly soon at 2 pips. At 1 pip, I pretty much get some gas (e.g. 1 gallon or so) NOW, even it's at an expensive station and get the rest at a more reasonably priced station. I've never run out of gas in my Prius nor any other car...
I've only ran out of gas once ever - that's how I found out the fuel level sending unit had gone bad in my old Ford. NEVER RUN ANY VEHICLE OUT OF GAS IF YOU CAN PREVENT IT. Doesn't matter if you're going to be late to work, a movie, your wedding, ANYTHING. Why anything? Death awaits you when you, ill-advisedly, stand outside your car waiting for assistance or hike down the shoulder for gas. Heck, even inside your car you're putting yourself at risk.
The bad part about running a Prius out of gas is that the fuel pump can get damaged. The fuel pump is built into the Prius gas tank and cannot be replaced separately. If the pump needs to be replaced, you must replace the entire gas tank. Costly part and a lot of labor!
You know what? I like your style, kid. A few more hyperbolic statements and maybe just use the caps lock a little more conservatively and I think you'll go far. Lot of potential in this one.
Well he's got a point. Running out of gas happens at the worst time and can kill you. Forces you to make bad choices. And just ruins your day. Especially bad in this car as alot of people think its a spaceship and try to drive to the next gas station on the Hybrid battery. Some driving so far kill the Hybrid charge. Then you get a tow to the dealer ....and a very long wait for the 200V Charger to arrive from Japan. All on your dime. Good times. Got my wife terrified to run out of gas in her G2. Working out very well, 7 years and never got that phone call. And really hard to run oog in this car.Light goes on and then it beeps at you for miles and miles.
I warn all customers about running out of gas. Especially with Gen II Prius with the gas tank bladder. Can make the distance to empty unpredictable.
I've only filled up 3 times but I've never taken more than 8.1 gallons (and that was two pips). So I'm guessing there must be a hell of a reserve, even though I'm not planning to chance it. Nexus 4 ?
"I'm guessing there must be a hell of a reserve" Or the actual capacity of the bladder might be much less than the spec of 11.9 gallons.