Hey everyone! I think me and my fiance made the best decision ever of our lives when we decided to buy our baby Prius - sorry it's how I call it. My fiance wanted to give me this car, and I could not be happy. It is an used Prius, but the previous owner was really anal about it and the car is just as precious and well kept. But I am worried about keeping it clean. Unfortunately I already started to have issues in keeping it clean. I can't believe that when my fiance just got the car and didn't let me experience the pleasure of driving it and one of the neighbors jumped into the driver's seat with dirty boots, leaving not only a puddle(was raining yesterday), but also a footprint. And his wife is even dreaming about driving my car. It is a big issue with me because I want to keep it nice, I like taking care of our things that we get, product of us being hard working people, you know, and this couple, friends of his for few years, are just not clean people. I don't want to insult anyone, but how do you deal with this situation? I already am feeling insulted by the husband attitude of jumping into my driver's seat and leaving a puddle and footprint on my car that I didn't even get the opportunity to drive, and now the guy's wife wants to drive my car, how do I take this idea out of her head? These people are not clean people, their cars are really bad kept, trash everywhere, and I am really concerned about keeping my car looking nice not only outside, but inside too, for the pleasure of the driving experience for my family. How to deal with people like that? I was thinking about printing some tags politely asking people to watch for their feet when they get into the passengers' seats. What else can I do, and how to tell these people to respect how clean and nice I want to keep my Prius, differently of how they keep their cars -their cars are pretty gross!
Hey welcome to PriusChat - you'll have great fun, and learn lots of useful stuff about your car! Congratulations on your Prius and don't agonize too much about keeping it clean, if you're really worried you might find a set of mats in the Prius Shop which will help keep your baby nice and clean. I purchased "ChuggyPig" back in January - after my Toyota Corolla failed its inspection after 21 years, and 292,000 miles - ChuggyPig had 83,000 miles on the odometer (a mere baby in Toyota terms) and I've absolutely fallen in love with the car, as I'm sure you will with your Prius. PriusChat is full of enthusiastic folk who are very knowledgeable in all matters Prius, and are only too willing to share their expertise and experiences. Good luck, and don't worry about making "rules"; after all it's your car, and so if folk want to ride in your car, then they should respect your rules, right? I do! If folk don't like my rules, then they're quite welcome to walk! - Wil
Thank you for your reply! I still don't know how I will call my baby Prius - I guess baby for now. The former owner put some really expensive matts and they keep the floor clean. But still I don't want puddles or footprints - the guy that jumped into the my driver's seat left a footprint of his gross boots on the side of the door. I'm so mad D: I guess I'm doing my rules tomorrow. I know people will call me names for it, but I'd rather have a well kept car for my family than drive in such a mess and give my family some unclean habits Nd environment - I'm really crazy about keeping things clean
Nothing wrong with clean. I detail cars on the side myself and have the extractor and da polisher and all that. that is one thing I set straight before someone gets in my car. I may be like, hey look, i know your my friend and all and you know i like to keep things clean and nice, but i would appreciate it if you got muddy boots and trash or anything, that we get that taken care of before bringing it into my car. please knock your shoes off before getting in. another thing you may want want to look at is weathertec mats, ive seen these and they are nice. custom fitted matts for your cars they even wrap up so it hols everything in. muddy boots, coffee, just a wipe and spray away from clean. however, they are expensive.
Its your car, you can do whatever you want. Some people don't allow food to be eaten in their car. I personally don't care as long as they're careful, but I respect that if I'm riding in someone else's car. If they really want to drive a Prius, I'm sure the local Toyota dealer would let them.
OP, congrats on your new C. I've really enjoyed mine, and am sure you will only like it more as the days pass. As for keeping it clean, you can only do the best you can do. Mother Hen it. Keep an eye out for interlopers. Stop them before they get in. Stand between them and the car, inspect their boots/hands/trash, and confirm or deny entry. Tell them outright that you WILL keep this car clean and THEY will too, if they want to be in it. I remember my first new car in 1983. I went out on a gravel road to show my buddy my awesome new car and the first think he does is sit down and put his greasy boots on either side of the mat so "he would mess up the mat." Instead, he put greasy boot prints on the carpet that I wasn't able to get out ever. I sold it with the prints still there. Carrying a stick to whack dirty people that try to get into your car is optional... (and personally, I've never thought much of naming a car. Most names seem too silly to even be said out loud.)
Hey Verna, the next time they approach your car intending to get in it, you could get in front of them and quickly point out that "you had just cleaned it" and would they make sure there's no dirt on their hands and shoes. You could go on to say that " it took you hours to get rid of various marks and scuffs" and you don't want it to be a waste of time. If they are off with you then they are not really good friends! Thinking on a bit more, why don't you get your husband to tell 'em! If all your polite words are ignored, you are gonna have to fall out with them as they sound pig ignorant to me. They obviously have no respect for you or your car.
It is perfectly appropriate and not insulting to have boundaries, and not wanting your car (or house or anything else) nastied up is an absolutely reasonable boundary. It is not insulting at all to ask someone to mind their feet getting into the car. It is an issue I had with my last car, and I put a stop to that crap. Nobody cares about your stuff like you do, so get used to making boundaries and reminding people of them. I quit allowing food and drinks in my car because I got tired of finding empty cans and bags in the back floor because the slobs in my life didn't know how to not behave like slobs without being told. I do not keep my car like that, and since the people in my life could not keep from acting like slobs, I drew the line for them. I will also remind people to mind their muddy feet and to please clomp them off before getting in. I am not a neat freak and know to expect a reasonable amount of trash like grass and some dirt, but it is so rude to jump in someone's car with muddy clodhoppers, spilling drinks and food, and just general disregard. I have no problem putting the hammer down on that. I would not put signs in my car saying any of that because such inconsiderate, entitled people have a tendency to think they are the exceptions to rules or that such rules are just suggestions, so I make it a point to ask them specifically to do (or not) whatever thing it is I do (or don't) want them to do. It does not even have to be confrontational. Like if someone feels like they have to have their food or drink, I will cheerfully offer to wait until they're done eating or drinking before getting in the car and leaving. With a smile on my face, all cheerful like, I have stopped my car in the middle of a trip or just not moved the car at all just to ask someone to please clean up a mess they carelessly made, like, "oh, you probably didn't notice that (giant mud mound that's big enough to bury bodies, seriously?); no worries, how about taking care of it before we pull off?" I don't expect them to make it dealership clean, but they can whack a mat on a tree or curb or they can brush it off with their hands or napkins. The point is that if people have to take the time and make an effort to clean up behind themselves, they are much more likely to be mindful of mess-making the next time, and if it's an ongoing thing, there will be limited next-times. When dealing with rude, inconsiderate slobs, I am over having the burden of politeness and peace-keeping be on the person whose property is being abused. It is absolutely not insulting or rude to expect people not to trash your stuff. By all means, get some all weather mats or whatever you think you need to protect it, but at the same time, it is reasonable to expect people not to totally trash your car. Same for the person who feels entitled to drive your car. Absolutely say no if that is not something you are comfortable with. You don't really owe anyone any justification for your boundaries. "I'd rather not," is perfectly adequate. Welcome and enjoy your Prius!
If it's raining out there it's inevitable that your passengers will drag in debris, or other (mud) when entering the vehicle. I also understand that you want to keep it nice and tidy. Towards that end I purchased some Weathertech liners and they fit like a glove inside the 2014. People can come into the Prius with messy feet and it's as simple as using a hose to wash off the debris. Now only if they stop eating chips in the car.
I have always been up front with people. I just say that I'm very particular about keeping my car nice, so you need to put on clean shoes, wash your hands, leave the food/drink behind, etc. Most people understand and cooperate. The ones who don't are probably not who I want around anyway.
I recently purchased a set of WEATHERTECH floor mats for my Prius. I highly recommend them. They are laser fitted for your car. I intend to leave them in mine year round. I live near their factory and I went there and picked them up but you can order them online.
Even after I'd first ordered the WeatherTechs offa the site Shop, I was kinda wondering if I'd regret the purchase (especially when I looked at the charge in my account). After rinsing the dirt off the front mats each for the first time last week--and scrubbing with a little soap and water to get out some stubborn sticky goop--the only thing I now regret is not getting these for every one of my family's cars years ago. These are all worth the money. The Husky version mats also look worthwhile. Been watching occasional youtube videos from detailers on car care, exterior and interior. I particularly like this guy: I've not seen this one yet (added it to my queue) but I really liked his video on detailing the exterior, window glass, and interior trim. Your post and story have inspired me to look into some kind of fabric protector for the base carpets, in case anything gets past the Weathertechs somehow, and for the fabric upholstery.
The YouTube video on cleaning external glass with 0000 steel-wool, then Rain-X is worth doing! It works really well! DROID4 ?
You know, if not for my husband cleaning the chrome on his motorcycle this way (well, with whatever fine steel wool he's using), I'd think this was crazy talk. Because steel wool and slick, shiny stuff? Apparently so. I now use it on chrome fixtures in the house with zero scratching. Which was all totally irrelevant except for my roundabout agreement that fine steel wool is apparently useful on slick, shiny stuff. Who knew? Apparently lots of other people. Just not me.
I believe you that they are both hard! And that's about the extent of my knowledge. I was just musing out loud about the weirdness (to me) of steel wool on slicky-shiny things even though I know from experience that it works.
I'm a new Prime owner too and purchased WT floor mats that have a deep pocket for water and snow. My issue is that I'm a bit of a neat freak and I don't like seeing "dry" foot prints on the black mat. Right now I have old towels that I can just toss in the washer. Anyone have other ideas?