Spoke to this ones owner as I was leaving Lowes. That center LCD screen is pretty amazing. I've seen 3 of these so far around Knoxville TN.
The perpetual "big deal" is taking an hour or more to go more than a 200 mile increment in a day, assuming a well-placed, scarce, high-level charger.
I can see how that might be true, although for most people it would be a rare event and the time could be spent stretching and getting something to eat. <<shrug>> As I alluded to earlier, people like me who often drive 200+ miles at a go keep a gasser in the family.
Um, no - (not that even THAT would be bad) turning on how full the pack is .... That's from their site: Tesla Charging | Tesla Motors So if you're driving easy, getting a range of 300 miles - that'd get you 150 miles in 20 minutes ... a LOT less than the 'hour or more' that you were thinking. As for "Scarce" chargers? Tesla just came out with this - a Chademo to Supercharger adapter ... which effectively quintuples the quantity of available fast chargers. It just keeps getting better. . But what the heck ... one can always find some way to focus on the down side I suppose.
So how does one read this? Five hours to charge/replace 150 miles of use? TIME 05:06 COST $10.89 ENERGY 49.5kWhHOW MANY MILES DO YOU DRIVE EACH DAY? 150 MILESHOW MUCH DO YOU PAY PER KILOWATT HOUR? Don't know? Refer to your electric bill. ($0.12 is the national average)WHAT KIND OF OUTLET WILL YOU USE? ON-BOARD CHARGER CONFIGURATION WHICH EQUIPMENT IS RIGHT FOR YOU? Answer two quick questions: Do you drive more than 100 miles per day on a regular basis? YESNO Do you plan to take frequent road trips longer than the range of your battery? YESNOWe Recommend HIGH POWER WALL CONNECTOR + TWIN CHARGERS Charging quickly each night and out on the road is important for your lifestyle. We recommend installing a High Power Wall Connector at as high amperage as your home allows (up to 100 amps) and equipping your Model S with Twin Chargers. At home, you'll charge at the rate of 58 miles of range per hour of charge. In the wild, you'll be able to take full advantage of high amperage public charging stations. CHARGE TIME & COST CALCULATOR WHICH EQUIPMENT IS RIGHT FOR YOU?
From reading what you copied I read it as 5 hours and 6 minutes to charge about 50 kWh, or about 150 miles using a high power wall charger. The HPWC is used at home. This is not the same as the Superchargers which will get you that range in about 20-25 minutes. Time for a quick lunch.
So it's an hour for a "full tank" via SuperCharger, versus the 4-5 minute Hybrid gas-up alternative: SUPERCHARGE! 300 MILES RANGE PER HOUR OF CHARGE The Tesla Supercharger recharges Model S quickly. Super quickly. Superchargers are for refueling quickly on road trips. A Supercharger can charge about half the battery in 20 minutes. All Model S vehicles with the 85 kWh battery can use Superchargers as can properly equipped 60 kWh battery vehicles. Superchargers will be positioned at convenient locations along major interstates throughout the country.
I realize Air_Boss is only looking for facts that support their opinion, but for anyone else: NOTE that they are using the time to charge for the 300 mile range Tesla Model S, and simultaneously complaining about the range of the 200 mile version. Hardly a fair complaint.
If you travel that far all the time in that much of a rush the Model S is definitely not for you. For me and my style of driving, I spend less of my time and inconvenience plugging in and dealing with the car fueling than I ever have before with gas cars.
Surely you can come up with a more derisive comment than that... After all this car can ONLY go 300 miles on a charge, and recharging for free takes almost an hour, and most drivers enjoy driving more than 4.6 hours per day all the time. Imagine if this car was safe, high technology, with fast acceleration, and great looks; people might actually be tricked into buying one.
oh you mean like a rigid pan head Harley? or a Ferrari or a Lamborghini or a sand rail? Surprise surprise there are lots things that aren't designed to do 1,000 miles on route 66 in 18 hours straight driving. Yea ... believe it or not - all forms of transportation are not perfect for all form and uses. Thanks anyway, for sharing such a cheerful outlook. While you're in the optimistic mood - maybe you should go give those fanboys of other "it's not good for 1000 miles straight thru driving" transportation a dose of your "it'll never work - disney "Eor" outlook too. In the mean time, I'm going to just sit here and wait for a Transformers automobile that can turn into a battling robot then into a radio, then a spaceship .
In So Cal, they're so everywhere - that you pull into a Walmart parking stall, and guess what's right in front of you . . . . . Now the question is - does a model S owner really need to shop at Walmart? .