It's the passenger wiper blade. You may need to replace the drivers side blade, because it is suppose to wipe the stuff/residue down that the passenger side blade brings over. Seems like the passenger side one is just piling stuff over there, and the drivers side blade isn't doing a good job at moving it away. Which is surprising because the rest of the drivers side windshield looks clean.
Yep - I'm old & I kept looking at the garage instead of the windshield...BTW can that van be moved? (Just kidding) Wait!! Is this a trick question?
Spring showers means that the OP has to stay inside and repopulate. Re-population has a cause and effect of requiring mini-vans. See, I figured it out. Childrens lead to mini-vans. Childrens come from spring showers.
Haha, my car was suffering from this in the winter time because I forgot to replace the wipers, then kind of put it off. So the driver side wipers wasn't wiping a good streak anytime I used it, which was bad this winter due to all the melting snow and what not on the windshield. Took my car in for 15k maintenance and had them put new wipers on since I was already there ($6 a piece for the three inserts), and it wipes pretty good again. Might buy some extra ones from the dealership next time so I can remember to put them on before winter.