I've tried two different inexpensive ELM327 OBD bluetooth adapters with TorquePro on an ASUS Transformer TF-101 android tablet. The adapters pair with the tablet and Torque runs. Fairly frequently, however, the ABS error light on the dash lights up and the brakes act differently - I have to press down HARD on the brakes to stop! When the adapter is physically removed and the car powered off then back on, all is well and the ABS error light never comes on. It only lights up when the OBD adapter is plugged in, paired AND the tablet is running Torque. Clearly, there is some interaction with the OBD adapter/tablet and the ABS error. Has anyone run into this before?
That's one of the problems with the inexpensive ELM327 OBD bluetooth adapters. Cheap merchandise has it's own set of problems.
Remember that even with the original Toyota Techstream computer/program there is a warning for VSC and ABS might not working as it should with the DLC connected.
I had this problem once. After that i've never tried it again. I was running torque pro on my smartphone.
Good to hear it isn't just me. Didn't know about the Techstream warning, that is ominous. The OBD bluetooth adapter isn't the cause - I bought a much more expensive "high quality" OBD adapter (OBDLink LX) and ran into the same problem. I'm now going to try a different tablet (Galaxy Tab 2) and see what happens. I'd like to get this working reliably/safely, but if it still acts up with the different tablet, it would appear that there is some quirk with the Prius Gen III that won't allow Torque via bluetooth to work properly.
FYI I get the same lights sometimes if I plug in the scanner (or turn it on, I have one with a power switch) while the car is already on. If I plug it in while the car is off I have never had the vsc or abs lights come on, driving hours at a time. May not be the cause of your issue but I mention it just in case. the Seahawks training facility ?
From my perspective as a software developer, it seems very unlikely that the brand/model of tablet could have anything to do with it. It's more likely to be an issue with the adapter or software.
Probably a problem with how the Torque app interacts with the Prius vs. the OBD module itself.. Do the error messages come up with the module plugged in, but no app running? Can you try a different app? I've got TechStream and a cable and I haven't noted any VSC or ABS problems, but it's a fairly recent version and I also haven't driven around with the laptop/interface connected.. I do have a ScanGauge II more or less permanently connected and while it *can* cause some weird behaviour both in the car and on the SGII if you have any errors in the custom gauge strings, as long as you make sure your programming is correct, it does not cause any vehicle issues..
Edit your vehicle profile in Torque, scroll to the bottom and in the section for Preferred OBD2 Protocol select: "ISP 15765-4 CAN (11bit 500K baud)." That should solve those ABS issues. HTC Evo 3D
Solved! Tried several of the suggestions above, but as Prius_Cub suggested, changing Preferred OBD2 Protocol to "ISP 15765-4 CAN (11bit 500K baud)" in the vehicle profile setting seems to have solved the issue. It appears the default 'auto detect' protocol that Torque uses to scan the interface causes the problem. This was also mentioned in the Gen II forum in this thread: Abs lights are turning on but only when I use Torque Thanks for the suggestions.
Thank heavens for PriusChat. Thought my Prius C's braking system was playing up and could only think it was more than a coincidence since I had just installed the ODB2 scanner. Didn't occur until the 3rd leg of the short journey, though. Next time I go out I'll see if the above protocol fixes my issue as well. Next up, how to access the batt fan RPMs and traction battery temperature.