Nothing important here. But I'm rapidly coming up on my 1st year anniversary date for the purchase of my Prius. It's amazing how fast the months pass. Seems sometimes like I just bought it yesterday. You know, for a new vehicle the first year hasn't been really smooth. I had a paint finish issue develop that was a nightmare to deal with, followed by the update. And I would say, some disappointing Dealer/Toyota support in regards to the paint issue. So some things, that would temper I think anyones enjoyment of a new vehicle. Maybe it's springtime? Maybe it's Easter? I don't know.... But through it all, I still am at a place where I really, really like this vehicle. Did a lot of driving the other day. Air Conditioning stuck in more than one traffic jam. When I got home and turned the vehicle off....61 mpg averaged. Okay...even if the on board computer is wildly optimistic, that's still great gas mileage. Don't care how you slice it. People can talk about twisting corners, and lightening speed, or torque and muscle applied to off-roading or hauling.... But for a surburbanite? Living in and around a city? Whose driving is mostly focused on the twisting ribbon of city and surburban asphalt? What's really more "fun" than being stuck in a traffic jam and actually watching your gas mileage IMPROVE. What's more enjoyable than quite, smooth, comfortable, AND 50+ mpg? It was a warm day, and I spent way too many minutes stuck on section of highway inching along. But The Prius was quiet, IMO comfortable ( I like the seats), and even using the air conditioning it still returned phenomenal gas mileage. There is absolutely no other vehicle available that is going to be able to do that...and let me put a new microwave in the back. So just a useless post to simply say, it's been a tough first year, not without bumps...but through it all, ...I'm still a Prius fan.
You seem so excited that you got to use your A/C! Well I use mine everyday, so If I could only use the heater!
Well I live in the Northwest and so pretty diverse seasons. I get to use both. Not that I was so excited about using the AC...just impressed that I used it pretty heavy, and my gas mileage was still so good. Not too many vehicles I think you could sit in a traffic jam, listening to the radio, with the AC running, and still arrive at your destination with a 50+ mpg average.
That's great! I take a ferry to work. For up to a hour I sit in mine with the AC or heater on reading a book right next to a sign "turn off your engine." Life is good to me.