I have a question. My wife called me tonight and told me the last two times she has started our 2006 Prius, the "Maint Rec" light on the dash has came on for about 10 seconds, then goes off. No triangle of death, or !, just the Maint Rec light. She says the motor will come on for a few seconds, then go off, but I believe this is normal. The car has 4700 miles on it, could it be saying it needs the oil changed? Apparently it doesn't affect the car, as it is still running just fine. More detail, she says the "Maint Req" light comes on at startup with all the dash lights. When they all go off, the "Maint Req" light stays on, then blinks twice, then goes off. Anybody have an idea? OUscarb
Never mind...I was worried at first, but after searching I see this is quite normal, whew! http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=16515&hl=maint+req Thanks